Horror and Thriller Flash Fiction posted October 29, 2024

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She bares her truth.

Halloween Confession

by Mia Twysted

The author has placed a warning on this post for violence.
The author has placed a warning on this post for sexual content.

It started slowly at the beginning of October. It was a light feeling like someone was brushing up next to my shoulder or putting their hand on my knee. I dusted off my flesh and went on thinking it was nothing more than that odd sensation you get from time to time. I was wrong!
About the second week of October, I began to find bruises on my skin, and this odd stench was in the air. A stale, rank body odor, almost as if my older brother had taken off his shoes in a closed environment. It's a stench you can't forget no matter how hard you try, and now it was everywhere I turned: the bathroom, kitchen, and hallways. 
Midmonth, things started to get worse. I was awakened from my sleep by a loud boom. I walked down the hall, turning on light after light as I reached the top of the staircase. Suddenly, glass spewed from the wall, and pictures dropped, spreading frames and images across the stairs. I was frozen in place. Then came this massive giant ROAR as if a lion stood directly before me. I gripped the staircase with both hands as I was forced back. My fingers slipped slowly away from each other, and what I feared most happened. A brutal force drove me into the wall, breaking my leg in four places. 
At the hospital, I was forced to explain my mysterious bruises. What was I supposed to say? No one would believe what happened. My family didn't believe in ghosts or spirits; if they didn't believe me, why would someone else? But something was happening. Something knocked those pictures down. Something threw me against that wall. Something was happening, and no matter what I was taught to believe, I had to face the facts.  
The closer we got to Halloween, the more the spirits came out to play. They yanked me from the restfulness of my sleep with loud noises and claps. I got earplugs. That was meant with an opposing force that grabbed my broken leg and twisted it out of my cast—forcing me to explain and get a new one made. 
I couldn't run from them. I was afraid. Every light in my house stayed on, but come the witching hour of 3:00, it made no difference. I clung to my bedpost for dear life when my bed was spun around like a merry-go-round and kept my composure when I found myself walking on the ceiling. I worked my way to the couch, so I had a soft landing when gravity set back in. I was in a game of wits with something I couldn't see and was desperate to survive. 
On the eve of Halloween, things were at their worst. Items inside the house disappeared and reappeared in different unwanted and unexpected places. A chopping knife from the kitchen found its way inside the toilet. Waking in the middle of the night, I found my way to the bathroom, trying to ignore the bangs and booms. Groggy, I instinctually pulled down my pants to sit on the toilet. Jumping up, I was suddenly awake, having had the blade enter my buttock. I couldn't even relieve myself without having to check to see if I was in danger. 
I was terrified; I reached out to my family and told them everything, but they didn't believe me as I suspected. No one believed me. Why had I waited so long to say something? Why had I lied at the ER? I didn't know what to do. So I returned home to pack I was going to be out of that house before the stroke of midnight.
I kicked my bag across the hall and down the stairs and hopped toward the door. Gripping the knob, I pulled on the door only to have my arm jerked forward as the door slammed shut. Pulling on it, I tried to open it,  but to no avail. Forgetting my bag, I raced around the house, pulling and pushing on every window and door. Every one of them was sealed shut. I was in the house, and the grandfather clocked down the hall began to chime, alerting me that it was midnight, the first hour of Halloween had begun. 
Dropping my crutches, I backed up to the living room wall, gasping at the giant red beast that walked out of the darkness. Horns adorned his head; his chest was broad and fit, and his legs were long, bending in the opposite direction of mine at the knee. Behind him was a long tail that whipped across the room. 
His thick red fingers ran up my leg while curling the other under my chin as he raised my eyes to meet his. Black as night, there was nothing but death and destruction in his eyes: no soul, no spirit, just a willingness to break apart all good in the world. 
His snake-like tongue entered my mouth, making my body shiver. He wrapped me in his arms, picked me up, and carried me to the bedroom. There, he took advantage of me. There was nothing I could do. I couldn't resist. What I had thought was a ghost was not a ghost, not a spirit, but the king of hell itself. In every way there was, he defiled my body, and I allowed it to happen in fear of what he might do if I did not. When I could take it no more, I closed my eyes and tried to believe I was somewhere else. The next thing I knew,  I woke up in my room on November 1st. 
Now, here I am nine months later, carrying the child of the Devil. There is no way I can let this child be born. What destruction would it bring to the world? I know you don't believe all I have said, but it is true.  
Beware the month of October and the night of the dead. It is not just the dead that walk the earth. The Devil himself comes to have his way. And now I will have mine. I apologize for the display. You will find my stomach slashed open and the child inside strangled to death with its umbilical cord, but I must be sure it dies. 
I regret that I must take my life as well. October is just around the corner, and I can't imagine the hell he would have in store for me for killing his child.  
Beware the Devil; he longs to breed and spread his seed. I got a glimpse the night he took me; this is all I can do to help prevent it. 


Halloween Story contest entry
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Artwork by corrinas creations at FanArtReview.com

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