Biographical Poetry posted October 22, 2024

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I washed dishes as a college job

life in the Slime Patrol

by jake cosmos aller


When I was a college student

I worked my way through college

in the campus cafeteria,


As a member

of the dish room crew.

I dubbed us

the slime patrol.


And we nightly

Cleaned up the mess

Left behind by

The entitled rich snobs

That dominated the university.


I learned a lot

About life

Working alongside


One day some entitled pricks

Were hazing me

As I cleaned up a mess


They had left behind

After a food fight.


A beautiful woman

Came along and rescued me

Berated the pricks


Tore them a new A….,

Made them apologize

To me

For disrespecting

a fellow human being.


I wanted to thank

My guardian angel

But she ran off

Without giving me

Her name and number.


I wanted to go out with her

For she was my fatal attraction type

Tall, bosomy, great bodacious booty


with a sexy vibe

And alto voice with a touch

Of a foreign accent.


But alas

It was not to be,,

But from that moment,


The entitled pricks.

All treated the slime patrol

With a modicum of respect.

What A Mess! writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem about a mess! As long as your poem is about making a mess, or encorporates the topic of messes, anything goes. Creative approaches are welcomed. Contest voters will be asked to consider the topic when making a choice for a winner. Now let's get sloppy!

What A Mess!
Write a poem about a mess! As long as your poem is about making a mess, or encorporates the topic of messes, anything goes. Creative approaches are welcomed. Contest voters will be asked to consider the topic when making a choice for a winner. Now let's get sloppy!
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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