General Fiction posted October 22, 2024

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global warming causes a second global flood

the second Noah flood

by jake cosmos aller

I am sitting at home in our new house in Georgetown. We moved there in September and decided to stay there until March, then rent it out when we moved to Korea.  It is a nice house down by the river and actually has the river as the backyard – there is a street lined with townhouses that have the river in the backyard.  There is a trail on the other side of the river.

There is a hurricane one day that comes up and hits DC in October bringing with it a huge coastal tide.  Angela had to leave for Korea earlier than me – I would join her in November.  On the day of the hurricane I had decided to stay at the house until the storm surge but had to leave as there was a mandatory evacuation.  I left just as the storm started.  There were some emergency workers already present walking down the trail telling people to leave.

I asked them what the forecast was and they said, “this is probably going to as if Sandy hit DC.  Hope you have flood insurance.”

I assured them I did.  And I had to deal with cleaning up the massive flood.  The river flowed up 15 feet and flooded the basement of my house.  I managed to get things upstairs before the flood arrived but had to spend a few days at a shelter.  When I came back it was quite a mess. 

I hired some people to help clean it up and spend a few days at it taking time off from work.  There was no water or power either so I had to spend a few days at a hotel and come back to supervise the clean up operations.  The entire block and city was going through a massive cleanup.

It ended up costing me 25,000  dollars to clean up the damage.  Angela came back after a week to help with the cleanup.  We finally had the place in good shape and went to Korea to chill out.

About a year after the great flood of 2014 as it was called locally, the really big global flood, known as Noah’s Second Flood, happened. A huge ice sheet melted off of Greenland and Antarctica at the same time.   This caused sea levels worldwide to rapidly rise in a global tsunami that was accelerated when a series of monster storms “Sandy on Steroids” as the headlines put it, swept out of the tropics and slammed into the East Coast. At the same time, a Northeastern came out of Canada. The two storms hit and then hit the entire East Coast and then the Midwest with massive flooding, and then massive snow that extended all the way down to Florida as the Atlantic current failed sending all of Europe into a deep freeze and causing the worst winter in over a thousand years.   The entire world was affected by one storm after another.

Power was wiped out, and whole islands in the Caribbean and the Pacific disappeared including most of Barbados.  Washington DC was wiped out completely and we lost everything we had in Capitol Hill.

The storms lasted until March then there was a five-month period of relatively calm weather.

Millions of people had died, and most of the world had barely survived with power lines shut down, transportation systems ruined, and food in very short supply.

Many people had fled the cities and were living in refugee camps. The US had been taken over by the military who suspended the constitution and spent much of their time dismantling what remained of the Federal government leaving most refugee work to the state and local governments and churches to do.

They instituted a hard-right Christian fascist state.  Those who survived ended up mostly working for little pay in the remaining businesses and farms.  The military took up most of the government’s budget. It was used to guard prisons as millions of people had been rounded up and sent to prison for not following the new regime’s draconian social policies which essentially forbid all sexual activity outside of marriage.

Many of the regime’s supporters blamed the gay and lesbian community for triggering God’s wrath and those gays and lesbians who had been arrested were killed in regime sanctioned “clean up operations” as they were called.

It was a very dark period in world history, not only politically but because electric power was largely reserved for the government and essential big businesses most private citizens no longer had power.

The situation all over the world was the same.   Global trade almost ended as most flights were grounded as most of the world’s airports had been destroyed during the massive storms.

Scientists were now predicting another ice age.

And everyone just waited for the next round of super storms that began as predicted in June and lasted most of the summer and early fall causing even more damage.

Very little agricultural production occurred leading to even more starvation.  Many big cities became ghost towns as people fled to small towns and did whatever little agricultural production they could do or lived off of salvaged canned foods.

This pattern of massive summer and winter storms continued to several years as a new ice age descended with massive glaciers forming pushing most people who survived into the southernmost states or California.

And the US essentially ceased to exist instead individual state empires formed up. The Christian States of America controlled the deep south.  Florida was abandoned. Texas became independent and was one of the few relatively intact states. California also became independent and was the only relatively democratic state left and they welcomed gays and lesbians who fled there from the rest of the world.

Five years later seventy five percent the world’s population had died due to massive starvation and massive disease outbreaks.

Electricity was reserved for the military and governmental and political elites who had solar power generators.  The rest of the population lived without electricity.  The internet continued but only 10 percent of the population had access to it.  Phone service also had failed for the most part.

Travel was very expensive and difficult.  Planes were reserved for the elites but they were hampered because most airports remained closed and completely ruined.

Most travel was by horse drawn carts which had become the only transportation system left.  Some military units ran trucks and buses using biodiesel but roads were in bad shape.

The major cities were almost ghost towns.  DC was abandoned as were most of the cities in the Northeast as the ice moved down from Canada and extended over 50 percent of the US, Canada sank beneath the ice.

The Southwest was abandoned Las Vegas died.   LA, San Diego, and San Francisco remained but life was difficult with out electricity.  The sewage and water systems were maintained with great difficulty.

Agriculture gradually returned, and most people worked as farm laborers or in the few remaining agribusinesses. Salvaged food and items were still a huge item in the markets that sprung up in the centers of the new post-end-of-the-world towns.

Storm Approaches writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a short story where a storm is approaching. Minimum length 700 words. Maximum Length 4,000 words.

Storm Approaches
Write a short story where a storm is approaching. Minimum length 700 words. Maximum Length 4,000 words.

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