General Poetry posted October 21, 2024

A poem.

The sacrifice of Jonathon,

by royowen

Young David was anointed King
a shadow of what Christ would bring.
This man who walked in faith restored
the throne of Christ, our saviour Lord.

Through many trials (His life at stake)
imperfect man, the Lord would make
His faith to rise, in God depend,
though dangers lurked, God would defend.

Dave had a friend, Prince Jonathon,
a faithful friend, King Saul's own son.
The only way that Dave could reign,
that royal blood the earth would stain,

The sacrifice of Jon would fall
his body hung from yonder wall.,
And so he died, with father Saul,
an image of salvation's call.

Our Lord is called King David's Son,
an image borne by what God's done.
God wrote on flesh His love and grace,
revealing love...salvation's face.


*The modern Gaza Strip is the original geographic location of the ancient mortal enemies of Israel, Philistia, land of the Philistines,

Israel's first King, Saul, chosen by the people, but not necessarily by God.
When Saul failed God, The prophet Samuel was told to go and find a king that God had appointed, the humble shepherd boy, David, son of Jesse.
OKing David's throne was to be an eternal one, awaiting the Son of God, the Son of man Jesus. But Saul wanted to kill David, however, God gave a loyal friend to David, in Jonathon, Saul's son. Jonathon knew that David was God's annointed, the ironic thing
was Jonathon knew that he and his father both had to die for David to ascend to the throne. This was a Christ like sacrifice for his friend, David, and ultimately, for us!

The story of Jonathon.
When David became a member of Sauls household and won many victories against the Philistines, he and Jonathan became close friends. After Saul jealously turned against David, Jonathan attempted to reconcile them, but he was only briefly successful. Saul tried to enlist Jonathans aid to kill David, but Jonathan remained Davids friend and warned him of Sauls anger so that David hid. When the two met for the last time in the Wilderness of Ziph, they planned that David would be the next king of Israel and Jonathan his minister (1 Samuel 23:16-18).
Saul, Jonathan, and Jonathan's brothers were killed in a battle against the Philistines at Mount Gilboa. Despoiled and exposed by the Philistines, the bodies were rescued by men from Jabesh-Gilead and buried in Jabesh. Years later, David reinterred the remains in the tomb of Kish in the land of Benjamin.
Here's the scriptures.
1Samuel 31:11-13
The people of Jabesh Gilead heard what the Philistines had done to Saul. Their valiant men sprang into action. They traveled all night, took the corpses of Saul and his three sons from the wall at Beth Shan, and carried them back to Jabesh and burned off the flesh. They then buried the bones under the tamarisk tree in Jabesh and fasted in mourning for seven days.

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