General Poetry posted October 12, 2024

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Art is what you see it as.

The Painted Story

by Jodi Ann Anderson

Paint drips from the tip of the artist's brush,
Like ink from an author spilling between the paper's bare lines.
Deep inside the waiting canvas, the colors intertwine,
While the pen forms letters and words the mind imagines.
Meticulous hands form the stunning piece,
As emotions swirl within the written words.
Images dance, then leap off the once tranquil page, into staring, awestruck eyes,
Forming meanings from the visualized story.
Feelings flaunt poetic hues,
As heightened senses surround the lingering audience, enrobed in the vibrant vision.
Interpretations shift within other's eyes,
As colors smear, and poem's stories infiltrate the mind....
letters fade,
Because sometimes...
There are no words.

Free Verse Poem contest entry

This poem talks about how poems are art, and art can be a poem. They intertwine.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

Artwork by MoonWillow at

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