Commentary and Philosophy Non-Fiction posted October 11, 2024

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Somebody is Hacking my Brain

by pome lover


 I don’t know that my brain is worth hacking. At times I think it’d be rather like breaking into an empty vault, but I do think what I write in emails should be my business. And a lot of things, pop up online after I’ve “talked” about them in emails!

For instance, a friend sent me this chicken recipe online I’d asked for, and when I checked emails later, there were several different recipes in my email not sent by friends. Now you know that sounds like somebody is “keeping tabs.” You’re saying, “No, that’s just advertising.” Well, it probably is, but how do they know to send me recipes if they aren’t monitoring me?

Another thing. Although I donate to a few politicians I like, I haven’t renewed my party membership because if they can’t unite, I will not give them money. I do, however, vote for and donate to some individuals running in the party. But now, in my email, I’m getting ads from the other party!  Like I’ve switched sides! What in the world??? This is true! AND, they are asking for money!

Our privacy is being invaded, and it is getting to me. You are probably saying, emails are not private. What you write online is not private. You could be correct. But that doesn’t make it right.

It is probably a good idea that I give the hackers a break for a while. Give the internet a break. I can read, or, I’ve got this needlepoint I started many years ago. All that’s left to do is finish the background, which is boring, and there’s a lot of it.

What it is, is a big cowboy boot with a Texas star on the side of it and Texas wildflowers coming up out of the top of the boot, on a white background. It was supposed to be a decorative pillow for my granddaughter’s bed when she went to UT. She is now twenty-six.

Anyway, it still needs doing. But now, it’s a strain even with reading glasses.… Ah! I just remembered something (a miracle in itself.) Recently, I saw online, and ordered, some glasses called Vi-Shift. They have a little nob on top that you turn for each lens to make the print or whatever you’re trying to see, as big as it takes to see it clearly. Brilliant. They’re advertised, online, with a bunch of new gadgets for Christmas. Now, of course, I’ve got no excuse for not finishing the needlepoint. And I’ve forgotten where I was headed with this. (but don’t go away)

Well, I might as well mention another thought I had. Surely, things that I think about won’t appear online? The internet AI can’t read my mind, can it?

What the heck, let’s give it a try. Hmm. I’m in the mood for a Nutter Butter. For those of you who may not have them in your grocery store, it is a simple but world class cookie. Now, let’s see if that thought goes out into Big Brother’s ether.

And there it is! Didn’t have to wait long—a package of Nutter Butters. It even transferred them to my hand. So, there you are! Confirmation! My mind was definitely hacked!


Paranoia is the product of an inquisitive mind. So sayeth I.
Or rather,
Suspicion is the PI of the mind. (I like that one better.)
wuffo: Southern for what for
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