General Poetry posted October 10, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
Craziness ensued!

At The Shady Palm Tree Rest Home

by Boogienights

Nursing Home Mayhem Contest Winner 
Nobody thought it could happen,
on that brilliant full moon night.
but everything would go wild,
giving the whole staff a fright.
The med room worked off a timer,
that some unknown person reset.
Programmed to open on Monday,
to the panicked staff's deepest regret.
Just half past twelve on an Island,
the last ferry left long ago.
At the Shady Palm Tree Rest Home,
sheer madness would soon overflow.
A storm was raging that weekend,
no access by boat or by plane,
to the Shady Palm Tree Rest Home,
all the residents would soon go insane!
Residents missing their night meds,
the orderlies couldn't contain.
Bored with the life they were living,
their days too simple and plain.
Mr. Fred Sims, in room10C,
would shed his pants and underwear.
Mrs. Turtlebalm living next door,
she just couldn't help but stare!
Mr. Bright, he didn't act right,
drawing on the walls with great glee.
No paints or brushes, no problem,
he crafted great art with his pee!
Old ladies danced down the hallways,
in disarray, were all of their clothes.
Except for old Mr. Marco,
who wore a skirt and pantyhose!
A pillow fight broke out quite sudden,
the stuffing, it flew everywhere.
Edward and Lily slipped into...
a closet, what would they do there?
Down the hall stood Wolfgang Perry,
he looked extra hairy that night.
Fangs just appeared out of nowhere,
his appearance, it was quite a sight!
The nurses tried hard to control them,
but Mr. Roke, he broke away.
 playing a bedpan, all his drumming,
made a shit ton of music that day.
In the break room, nurses were hiding,
for all weekend, the chaos would reign.
No sedatives, Ativan, Xanax, 
crazy oldsters without meds, a pain!
On Monday the whole place was trashed out,
the director, he fired one and all!
Edward and Lily were discovered,
found entangled in a closet too small.
Mr. Sims and Mrs. Turtlebalm,
started dating and that's no surprise.
Clearly impressed with his assets,
she'd never seen one of that size!
Those wild nights, have not been mentioned,
Ed and Lily both went on the run!
Mr. Temple, who once was a locksmith,
planned another night of reckless fun!

Writing Prompt

Show readers what can happen in your nursing home during a full moon when no one takes any medications for the entire weekend. Fiction/nonfiction, poetry or prose, 200 words minimum.

Nursing Home Mayhem
Contest Winner
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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