General Fiction posted October 9, 2024

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entry for co-existing worlds

Ill Met On A Western Hillside

by jim vecchio

Co-existing Worlds Contest Winner 

Abe Wunderly, Prospector by trade, has seen it all. Or so he thought.

As he shook the dust from his worn feet, he saw a strange purple blob in the distance.

The Blob blew closer and closer, like some unearthly tumbleweed. When it reached Abe, a strange-looking man appeared.

He had on a white overcoat and a stethoscope hanging from his neck.

“You a sawbones?” asked Abe.

“My name is Doctor Winslow Ferguson. And you are the subject of my Probe.”

“Aint nobody probin’ me, Mister. I’m all b’ar and twice as toothy!”

“Oh, no, you’ve mistaken me. I’m not going to harm you. I called you over to me”

“What you talkin’ bout, man?”

“Listen. What year is it? 1873, right? I’m from the year 2024. And that’s where you are now."

“You tetched, man?”

“No. Let me explain. I’m a Ghost Whisperer.”

“No need to whisper. I hear you fine.”

“You see, there’s this woman…”

“Got me a squaw. Don’t need ‘nother.”

“What I’m trying to say is this woman, she’s been seeing you in her dreams. So I went into her subconscious-that is, her mind, and saw you, so I called you here- You’re in the future!”

“Mister, you’re a crazy talker. I’m here in my year, 1873, whar’ I been working on my mine the past seven years…”

The Doc took off his stethoscope. At that moment, a shot rang from the rear. It hit Doc sharply in the chest.

“What’d you do that for?” asked Abe, “He seemed a nice guy, a bit daft, perhaps.”

The tall stranger lit a small cigar. Then, he spoke.

“He should have remembered the old adage: When a man with a stethoscope meets a man with a rifle, the man with the stethoscope is a dead man."

Co-existing Worlds
Contest Winner
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