General Fiction posted October 7, 2024

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Best times of my life

How I Was Blessed

by jim vecchio

As a young boy, I read Babe Ruth’s autobiography. If I remember right, the first sentence was “I was a bad boy.”

That sentence could very well start out my story, as well.

I had good parents and the best sister in the world. Unfortunately, my brother was troubled That fact, and the fact I had never really gotten a taste of real freedom before nearly led to my downfall.

At college, the Lord blessed me immeasurably. I was an Honor Student all four years. I thought I was in love, but I wasn’t. I made good Christian friends (whom I still know today) but I still couldn’t handle all that freedom.

I was a participant in a game we called “The Quest”. We would start out in the morning and see how many bars we would hit till we passed out, or vomited. At my best, I hit 43. Some record, huh?

Those glorious college days were the time of many road trips, such as the Kentucky Derby, and the taste of liquor followed us all the way.

One night I had a vivid dream, I’m not sure it was a dream. I had died and was lying in a box. Several individuals were peering at me. I had the notion they were relatives of mine, in Heaven. I understood them, though they had no speech.

They were telling me I blew it. I was a shame, a mess. I had failed in my life.

I recall my sorrow and begged them for another chance.

I had been out of college. After some teaching, I had settled into a job at the paper with my drinking buddies.

God showed me I didn’t belong there. The job was a seven-day-a- week job.

I went to the Biggest boss in the place and told him I wouldn't work on Sunday any more. That I wanted to drive people to Church, and teach a class.

The boss told me, “It’s a seven-day job. If you don’t like it, quit!”

So I quit.

God kept convicting me to find a job in my area, Special Education, to be a blessing for those in need.

I searched.

One of my old drinking buddies and I were holding a Bible Class weekly. I confessed to him my desire. One day, he told me he was listening to the radio and an agency was seeking individuals with a special education background. He gave me the info and I wrote to them.

Within a week, I received a letter in the mail.

When you get to know The Lord, there is a special feeling you get when there is answer to a prayer request. I felt it then, and knew I had a job. My next stop in Life would be STAR. There was no anxiety at the Interview!

Only one concern. I had wanted the position of Program Coordinator. That would come a year later. The only position open was to coach the landscape crew, “We Cut Grass”.

Of course, I agreed.

I never gave in to Satan’s doubts.

I had never done landscape work before. My supervisor gave me the proper coaching.

I had to go into areas I never knew before. My supervisor told me to take a map and self-educate myself.

I hadn’t driven or loaded a truck like that before. God granted me confidence.

I would work with 5 to 7 adults with emotional problems, developmental deficiency, retardation, and all manner of challenges.

Rather than the scared clown entrapped by a circus, I came to know each one of the participants and I would trust my life to them. They would never be a disappointment. I loved them all!

Though it may be a low-degree job to some, those days were the happiest of my life (except when God presented me with a wife.) Had I not become disabled, I’d wish to still be there. God blessed me beyond my dreams.

I even made “Job Coach of The Month”!

The time of my life: writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a short story. The topic is: The best time you ever had in your life. It can be as an adult or as a child. Please keep it clean. Minimum length 100 words. Maximum Length 4,000 words.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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