Biographical Non-Fiction posted October 7, 2024

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I was a happy child.

My Family Comes First

by Raul1

During my childhood, I was a joyful child with a vivid imagination for writing fiction stories. I worked on honing my writing skills and looked after my family, who were always there for me. Our Christmases were spent as delightful family reunions with my parents, brother, and sister. I cherished attending church to share God's word. The gifts mattered less to me than the precious moments with family and friends. My sister and I would visit the zoo to observe the animals; I even touched various wild creatures, capturing photos and speaking to them. I do care about my family.

The time of my life: writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a short story. The topic is: The best time you ever had in your life. It can be as an adult or as a child. Please keep it clean. Minimum length 100 words. Maximum Length 4,000 words.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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