General Non-Fiction posted September 29, 2024

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A story about my dog, Zeke

The Peanut Butter Trick

by Brenda Strauser

Most puppies chew on anything they can get. Zeke, our silver lab puppy, chewed on everything, shoes, clothes, paper, etc. Once, he chewed up 4 remote controllers and an entire pack of red licorice he grabbed from the countertop. It seemed as though he was always on the hunt for something to chew.  
Zeke still grabs things such as dish towels, shoes, etc. He doesn't chew on them but sets them right in front of his paws on the floor. I think he is trying to tell me something; not sure what it is. 
Zeke hates getting his nails clipped. It is a battle everytime we have to cut them. My husband saw this nifty idea on how to clip a dog's nails on utube. He decided to try it. 
Saran wrap is wrapped around your head tightly; keep it above your eyes. Spread the peanut butter on the Saran wrap on the front of your forehead. The goal is to keep the dog focused on eating the peanut butter so he is distracted and you can clip his nails without any
Well, my husband tried it. Honestly, he looked ridiculous. Zeke started licking the peanut butter and it looked like it was working.  Then, he pulled it off my husband's head and ate it. Oh no, we didn't think that would happen. We thought it was funny at first, but then we realized this could be a big problem. 
We were concerned the plastic would get stuck in Zekes' intestines.  We monitored him closely for the next few days, then it passed through his poop.  We were so relieved.
One positive outcome from the peanut butter trick is my husband was able to cut one nail. Yeah, I know it's not much but it's better than none.
We thought the reason it didn't work could be my  husband didn't have the saran wrap tight enough on his head.   Another reason it didn't work could be because Zeke's strength. He weighs over 100 lbs. Now, it is back to the drawing board looking for another way to cut Zeke's nails without getting bit. 


Picture is from my gallery. This is a picture of my husband with the peanut butter on the Saran wrap.
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