General Poetry posted September 26, 2024 Chapters:  ...210 211 -212- 213... 

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Haiku (rules in author notes)

A chapter in the book 2024 Gypsy's Haiku

* End of Summer *

by Gypsy Blue Rose


end of summer —

September trips and Falls

over dead tomato vines




HAIKU is a Japanese short unrhymed poem that uses imagistic language to express the essence of a deeply felt moment. It resonates on a deeper level, enlightening the reader and making an insightful connection. English Haiku doesn't have to follow the 5/7/5 form, because Japanese syllables are much shorter. The rule of thumb is to write it as succinctly as possible and 17 syllables or less.

click here to read haiku examples
click here to read haiku rules
click here to read why is 5/7/5 OR LESS rule
click here for season words

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Pictures from my Pinterest account, top picture by Artem Chebokha. The complete presentation and poem created by Gypsy Blue Rose COPYRIGHT@2024
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