Humor Poetry posted September 28, 2024

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The Statue

My Venus de Milo

by DragonSkulls

Alexandros of Antioch,
did you simply not care...
to give Venus de Milo
the time you thought fair?
Did her shoulder of marble
'neath chisel, snap free,
and cause subsequent damage 
you did not foresee?
Then while fearing the masses
who'd blaspheme and scoff,
take her precious right arm
and, too, cut it off?
Then display to the world
in her scant nudity,
one Venus de Milo...
the freak amputee?
Oh, Venus of beauty,
whilst lost in your charms,
I'd use today's methods  
and craft you your arms.
But the henchmen of Louvre
keep me sadly at bay.
"I can give her her limbs!
They're robotic but hey..."
I'd sculpt you with purpose,
perfection, my goal.
like the sweet Mona Lisa
who was painted as whole.
I'd sneak 'neath the shadows
with artistry cloaked,
but my passport to Paris
has been rudely revoked.
I've dreamt of you perfect
and weep in defeat.
   But know I've attempted...
to make you complete.
The History of the Venus de Milo Statue, an Ancient Greek Sculpture

Same Name Sort Of contest entry

In Paris, the Louvre (one syllable in English) holds the Venus de Milo
statue with many numerous other works of art, like the Mona Lisa.
Alexandros of Antioch, eons ago, chiseled the sculpture.

To me, it looks like her left shoulder was just a major screw-up. Like
after a swift incorrect clink of the chisel, her whole left arm just fell off.
So, rather than having a finished one armed woman, he severed her
right arm with a perfect cut to try to fool the masses as if the left arm
dismemberment was on purpose. I seriously don't think it was, but
that's just me.

I created the top picture myself with a few different Google Images. The
bottom pic is actually what she looks like.

Thanks for reading.

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