General Poetry posted September 25, 2024 Chapters:  ...87 88 -89- 90... 

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Fictional Free Verse about Battered Women

A chapter in the book 2024 Gypsy's Free Verse

Love Should Not Hurt

by Gypsy Blue Rose

In Honored All Victims of Violence

it has been a long time 

since you left

your letters stopped coming 

one unsuspected day

when my letter was returned to sender 

♦ ♦ ♦

your beatings stopped long ago,

bruises, broken bones, and grief

are long gone but I'm addicted to you

and my heart still races 

when I hear your name

♦ ♦ ♦

     people didn’t understand —

friends, emergency doctors,

and neighbors asked, why do you stay? 

he is no good, doesn’t love you,

and doesn’t give a damn

♦ ♦ ♦

but once he was my world,

my stars, sun, and moon

I loved him long after

he left me for a younger victim

ready to take his bullshit

♦ ♦ ♦

after so many 

pills, alcohol, drugs, 5150s,

and dark nights

the only one around was God

I let go … I suffered enough



I worked as an advocate of victims of rape and battered women. I heard many stories. My poem is inspired by the victims/survivors and their stories.

988 suicide and crisis phone line

National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI suicide prevention hotline

5150 Emergency Hold (72 Hours) is a critical intervention used to detain individuals who are considered a danger to themselves or others or are gravely disabled due to a mental disorder. This initial period allows for professional evaluation and the start of necessary treatment.

People living with battered woman syndrome may feel helpless. This can cause them to believe they deserve the abuse wrongly and that they can't get away from it. In many cases, this is why people don't report their abuse to police or loved ones.

If you believe you or someone close to you is living with battered woman syndrome, know that it's possible to treat this condition and lead a full life.

Four Stages of Battered Woman Syndrome:

- Denial. The person is unable to accept that they're being abused, or they justify it as being 'just that once'

- Guilt. The person believes they caused the abuse.

- Enlightenment. In this phase, the person realizes that they didn't deserve the abuse and acknowledges that their partner has an abusive personality.

- Responsibility. The person accepts that only the abuser holds responsibility for the abuse. In many cases, this is when they'll explore their options for leaving the relationship.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account. Poems and presentations by Gypsy Blue Rose @copyright2024
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