General Poetry posted August 31, 2024

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A Rondeau poetic form

Plucking Petals

by Sugarray77

Frustration fills my anxious heart,
encroaching into ev'ry part.
My doubts are leading to despair,
a nudge insists that I beware.
Uncertainty's a piercing dart.
Whenever we remain apart
confusing thoughts begin to start;
I need his reassuring care.
~ my anxious heart
But, as I'm crafting floral art
divining if he'll soon depart,
I'll weave a daisy chain with flair...
each petal plucked a questionnaire. 
His love for me? ... twil soon impart
~ my anxious heart

He Loves Me, He Loves Me Not writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a love poem. It can be humorous, romantic or spiritual.

A Rondeau is a French poetic form using two rhymes. It is written in iambic meter with a particular stanza structure... there is always a repetitive refrain at the end of the second and third stanzas that is taken from the first line.
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