Biographical Non-Fiction posted August 27, 2024

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What if

I'm The Reason

by DragonSkulls

What if ... Contest Winner 
The author has placed a warning on this post for language.

What if I had never left, that's my big "what if."

Twenty years ago, I divorced my wife. It turned out she loved my money more than me. That's not what this is about though. What it is about is what happened afterward. It didn't even cross my mind at the time but it clearly should have.

When I first met her, she had two little girls, one six and one that was four. I raised and loved those children like they were my own flesh and blood. Jennifer favored the youngest one more than the other. The oldest reminded her too much of her ex-husband in looks and mannerisms. There was no denying it, Chris was her favorite.

In turn, it was the opposite for me. I'd like to believe it's wasn't true...but it was. Chis was just like her mother, exact in every way, looks, brains, humor, everything. Haley, on the other hand, was just like me. Over time, I actually ended up loving her more than I loved my deceiving wife. Not sexually, you perverted freaks, if that's where your mind went. I just loved her as my daughter and closest friend more than I have ever loved anyone on this planet...ever.

What if I had never left? That's the question I ask myself every single day. I found out my wife was cheating and that was that. I was gone. Rather than staying in South Carolina, anywhere near that dumb bitch, I moved back down to Florida where my mom was, leaving Haley to fend for herself with her mother.

Blah, blah, blah, my ex ended up kicking Haley out of the house when she was sixteen. Between then and the time she came down to see me, at seventeen, she met some guy she sort of liked.

Before she left to head back up to South Carolina, I begged her just to stay here, to build a life here in Florida rather than going back to the nothing that was in South Carolina. She denied my request and returned.

I went up there a few times and met this James guy she was so hooked on. Then went up again when she was eight months pregnant and marrying him. He was pretty cool. I liked him and as long as my little girl loved him, it was okay.

Three kids later, it turns out he wasn't pretty cool. Jobs are scarce in Timbuktu, South Carolina, and keeping such a job and providing for your family didn't seem to be one of his priorities. Getting loaded on Crown Royal and high on crack was more like it. The only occupants of the street they lived on was his own kin. How he'd get shit faced or high and physically fight with his next door neighbor, his own father, most likely high on crack as well, was beyond me.

He went to jail countless times for numerous related things. My daughter's job wasn't enough to keep them afloat and it turns out she herself, indulged in the crack he brought home as well. All three of my grandkids were taken away from my daughter and put in foster homes. I was being left in the dark about all of this.

Evicted from their trailer, Haley hooked up with one of Jame's cousins. That bastard was into heavier drugs than her husband was. On August twenty fourth of 2022, my daughter died from a fentanyl overdose...while him and his dealer got off scot-free, without even an investigation. My daughter was chalked off as just another junkie.

First Corinthians 10:13: No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.

What the fucking hell? She loses her husband, home 'and' children and seeks some sort of solace, sadly within the depths of the murderous drug fentanyl? Then DEATH is the escape of how she was supposed to endure it? I strongly disagree with that scripture of yours, Paul. Strongly!

And that saying, "Time heals all wounds," that's pure bullshit. IT DOES NOT!

So yeah, what if, what if I had never left South Carolina after my divorce? I know one damn thing for sure, I would have been there to save my daughter from the downward spiral she was on...and my baby girl wouldn't be dead right now.

That's what if...what if I had never left her there alone. There's no turning back time to fix it fix my wrongful what if, and until I'm dead myself...I will fully carry that burden.


What if ...
Contest Winner

Names have been changed but yeah.

I'd promote it but why?

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