General Poetry posted August 22, 2024

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One person's feelings about getting back together

Listen To My Voice

by Brenda Strauser

I feel the pressure deep inside of me

Please, I beg you, let me be

You are the one who caused this mess

Our life together was under constant stress


Do not think you can control me

Why, oh why can't you see

I'm not the person I used to be

My soul is longing to be  free


Free of the worry and obsession

This is definitely a true confession

I am afraid the bad habits will return

Thinking about this is a major concern


We need to treat each other differently

It will have to be done consistently

I am so tired of trying

You will have to stop lying


I don't feel the same about you

Too many times you weren't true

I want time to think what I need

It won't happen at a fast speed


Getting back together will not be easy

Can't you understand I feel so queasy ?

I don't want to live like it was before

This fact I can tell you for sure


So just let me decide

Please let go of your pride

I want to make the right choice

For once, please listen to my voice!


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