Mystery and Crime Fiction posted August 17, 2024 Chapters:  ...6 7 -8- 9... 

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Danielle makes contact with Jeremiah

A chapter in the book His Silence

His Silence - Chapter Seven

by Jacob1395

When Harvey murders his parents, he refuses to say why he did it. Twenty years later, he's finally ready to talk.

My phone bleeps on the armrest, making me jump. We’ve just sat down after eating dinner. The scent of curry is still wafting around the house, despite all the windows being thrown open to get rid of the smell; Mum always uses far too much garlic. Mum glances across at me, a frown in her forehead.

‘You’re a bit jumpy,’ she says, looking me up and down, with a concerned expression.

I ignore her. My heart begins to pound as I read the text message on my screen. It’s from Jeremiah. 

Got a visit for this Friday at 12pm, I can pick you up outside yours.

Part of me thinks that perhaps he already had the visit arranged and was just waiting for me to say yes. What would he have done if I hadn’t said I wanted to go with him? I glance at Mum; her focus is back on Pointless on the television, she laughs at a joke one of the contestants has made. Dad’s sitting in the armchair flicking through the newspaper, murmuring something to himself, like he always does when he reads the news. With each passing year he reminds me more and more of my grandad, it's scary. I've never had a problem with the thought of me getting older, but it's the thought of my parents ageing that scares me. I turn my focus back to the message. If it’s Friday afternoon, perhaps I can speak to work about getting a couple of hours off, I don’t have any meetings in my schedulee.

I send a reply back.

No can you meet me outside the pub where you saw me on Sunday?

I don’t want any of the neighbours seeing me getting into Jeremiah's car; they might mention something to Mum and Dad if they do. Everyone here knows about my family history. If they see me getting into the car with a stranger that might add more fuel to the suspicion something weird is going on, plus Mum and Dad might then find out about my visit to see Harvey. I watch the dots appear on the screen to show he’s typing. His reply comes through.

Sure. Make sure you’re alone.

I shut my phone down. Why is he so insistent I can’t bring anyone with me? I rub my arms.

‘I’m gonna make a cuppa, anyone want one?’ I ask, getting up.

‘No, you’re alright,’ Dad replies.

Mum’s still frowning at me. ‘Everything alright, sweet heart, you’re looking a little pale.’

‘Yeah I’m fine.’

I leave the room. God, now Mum’s going to be thinking something is up with me. I send a text to Callum letting him know the visit is booked for Friday, he responds immediately with a thumbs up emoji. I have to keep convincing myself that Jeremiah isn’t some nutcase like Callum thinks he is, and that he does genuinely want to help me. I focus on making my tea. This time on Friday I might have the answers I've been waiting for. 



Danielle (protagonist)

Callum (Danielle’s best friend)

Harvey (Danielle’s brother)

William (Danielle’s adoptive father)

Emma (Danielle’s adoptive mother)

John Cole (Danielle’s biological father)

Laura Cole (Danielle’s biological mother)

Ian Jones (third person who Harvey killed)

Max (podcaster)









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