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A newspaper reports on the horrific crime

A chapter in the book His Silence

His Silence - Chapter Zero

by Jacob1395

When Harvey murders his parents, he refuses to say why he did it. Twenty years later, he's finally ready to talk.


4th June 2004

Yesterday evening, Essex Police responded to a horrific attack that took place at a house in Little Castle, Essex, famous for the remains of a former Motte and Bailey castle built in the eleventh century.

The bodies of a man and woman, believed to be in their forties and another, as yet, unidentified man, also in his forties, were discovered. A fourteen year old boy, believed to be the son of the man and woman, was arrested on suspicion of murder and it is our understanding that he has confessed. When approached for a comment, Essex Police revealed the above to be correct, but would not elaborate further on the identity of the boy, and as the boy is a minor, his name is expected to be withheld. Claims have not yet been confirmed that a six year old girl survived the brutal attacks. It is understood by neighbours that she is the sister of the boy who was arrested. Essex Police are appealing for anyone with any information on the murders to come forward; they are particularly keen to speak to anyone who was in the area on the night. A further update will be provided once formal identification of the bodies has taken place.

A spokesperson for Essex Police said, “This is a horrific case, and our hearts go out to the family members of the individuals who were murdered, as well as the local community, who will no doubt be in deep shock following these events. At the current stage of this investigation, we believe this to be an isolated incident, and do not believe there is any further risk to the public. We will be conducting a thorough investigation into what happened here yesterday evening and we would urge the public not to speculate.”

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