Romance Fiction posted July 25, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
Here's a tale of...

Virtuous Love

by Tom Horonzy

A lighted log from across the room lit her rosy lips for mine to kiss softly, turning my cold vermilions glowing red. I carried her longingly, yet reverently, to lay on a sateen-sheeted bed strewn with white petals denoting our innocence like a modern-day Romeo with his Juliet. There, entwined in each other's arms, we, as one, sparked the air in an aura of love unequaled since Mister Shakespeare wrote his play in fifteen ninety-seven.

75 Words Flash Fiction contest entry

A "lighted log" began it all arriving like an hors d'oeuvre while I slept... honestly.

Vermilions- used when somewhere I found them, (dictionary, thesaurus) to mean lips. Now after JW made note I cannot refind what I found. Poetic license then is what is claimed.

The photo is from and credited to Solod_sha
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