General Non-Fiction posted July 23, 2024

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A short prayer to my loving Father.

Covering my Shame

by Esther Brown

God IS love. His love is enough. 

He loved me because of who He created me to be, and this love is not dependent on my actions. He loved me before I was born. His love is unshakable and constant. His desire is for me to live fully in the truth of His love for me. Living clothed in the Holy clothes Jesus bought for me. 

Bringing my shame into the light I am healed. Accepting His forgiveness, I am now and for always His deeply loved child. 

Oh my Father, please protect me. Help my unbelief. Protect me from doubting my worth and restore my faith. You are the bringer of joy, the rock I stand on, the shelter I hide in when enemies face me.You created me to bring You delight. I desire to write my story truthfully, and to have courage. 

Revisiting the shame of old memories only puts me back in the darkness, keeps me from clearly reflecting You. Forgive me for doubting You. 

I want to honor you and shine Your light so others can clearly see You in me. 

Hear my prayer, Oh Lord. 


Writing the story of my first half African son, thinking I was giving a gift to him of the part of his life he does not remember was perhaps a mistake. It filled me with shame. I wrote Queen of Denial. Since then, I have not felt I wanted to share anything personal.
The desire to write again is stirring. I thank each and every one of you who read and comment on my journey of trying to write my life story.
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