General Non-Fiction posted July 23, 2024 Chapters:  ...22 23 -24- 25... 

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what ticks me off about tech

A chapter in the book the world according to Cosmos

my pet computer peeves

by jake cosmos aller

Just part of my on-going rants
More Tech Pet Peeves

Dear Microsoft,

I have a few bones to pick with you. I have written to your suggestion box for decades about some of these chronic bugs, but no one responds and no has fixed these annoying little features.

Props for fixing dictation program and read-out-programs

On the plus side, your dictation program is now 90 percent accurate, which is a big improvement. When you first rolled it out, it was 90 percent inaccurate!  So props for that.

Your read-out-loud feature is also good, about 95 percent accurate. Props for that too.

Now my pet peeves  from most annoying to least annoying
Copy and past defaults to the last saved copy

Copy and paste defaults to the last saved copied and pasted text most of the time, requiring one to copy and past sometimes up to five times before it clears and copies and paste what you wanted to copy and paste.  Once in a while it copies and pastes on the first try, but most of the time it takes two or three tries to get it to work.

Sometimes on a random basis copy and paste replaces everything then disables prior versions of that document

That is annoying enough but once in a while when copying and pasting the feature goes amuck and replaces everything in the document and as an insult to injury turns off all prior saved versions meaning you have lost that document forever.

Fortunately, this does not happen often, but it does happen enough to be very annoying, especially given the random nature of this bug.  Almost seems as if the computer program is trying its best to be annoying!

Numbs lock Comes on Randomly

Numbs lock comes on randomly turning text into numbers, forcing you to click the unlock kick to turn it off.  Seems to be completely random.

All Caps Also Come on Randomly Turning Text Into ALL CAPS

All Caps also come on randomly turning text into ALL CAPS  requiring you to turn it off manually.  But now you usually flash a warning that either button is on.  It would be better if you could stop both from randomly going haywire. This is a very annoying and long-standing bug.

Defaulting to Foreign Language Sites When Logging in from Outside the United States or Canada

Microsoft and Chrome too often defaults to foreign language sites when logging in from overseas.  Sometimes there is an option to translate back into English or other languages, but that option is usually in the local language.  This is very annoying to travelers. There should be a way to set your preferences regarding languages and stick to it wherever you log in. Logging in from a foreign location does not mean that you are a native speaker of that country.  This is a very annoying and common occurrence.

Constant Crashing 

Word often crashes, usually without warning. Nowadays, it usually works for a couple of hours before going into non-response spinning blue wheel mode. Once you reboot, the problems seem to go away.

The Internal Document Search Feature is a Big Failure  D

Your internal search engine is horrible. You usually cannot find the document you are looking for, or it pops up with a list of matches, none of which are matches.  I will give this a solid D.  I understand you are rolling out an AI search engine feature to solve this problem, but I have not seen it yet.

Problems Opening Documents â€"

When trying to open a document, one encounters numerous problems.

For example, sometimes when trying to open a document, it opens halfway and then kicks you out. It usually takes three to five tries before it opens the document, this seems to be just on a random basis. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

Sometimes the program refers to a non-visible dialogue box that you are asked to close but the dialogue box is hiding somewhere.

Other times you have to open a copy of the document, and then when you try to save it,  it asks you whether you want to replace the file. Other times it says you can't save it as is open somewhere else and have to save it under a different name.   Where that is opened is a mystery.

The editor program does not allow you to ignore the repeated word option globally

Right now you have to manually clear that which can take time.

A related issue. When you are trying to share a file via e-mail, you often get an error message saying you can't attach an open document, which means you have to close the document and try again.  Just another annoying feature.

Props for Fixing the E-mail Sent Problem 

The final point I would like to thank you for is that you finally fixed an annoying feature which was when you were editing a document that someone e-mailed you from within the e-mail, and then you sent it to them for some reason it did not save the changes instead it went to some hidden file somewhere. I never understood how that was even an issue, after all, humans coded it and anyone coding it should have realized what a mistake this would be operationally.

I only found out about that because many years ago I was with some techies, and they showed me a way to find the hidden files, and they told me that that was the problem and many years later you started popping up with a button saying make sure you save this before you send it and that seems to solve the problem except for when it does so.

Therefore, I would say that your program is getting better each year, but there are still numerous bugs in the program that make it less than an optimal program thank you for taking the time to read my rant. I would welcome feedback and comments, but I don't expect anyone will bother to respond, since customer service has never been a corporate priority.

I have a long-standing love-hate relationship with tech. as a character in V put it, i have a problem with inanimate objects! I swear my computer is alive and is evil at times! just loves f.... with me. Because it can!
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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