General Fiction posted July 21, 2024 Chapters:  ...16 17 -18- 19... 

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Eleanor pays a visit to Danny Veraci
A chapter in the book Unfinished Brushstrokes

Unfinished Brushstrokes Chap 18

by Begin Again

Danny Veraci, the charismatic owner of the bustling casino, strolled the floor, engaging in casual conversations with his patrons. The symphony of roulette and slot machines was his usual soundtrack, but tonight, a different tune played in his mind. Despite his public success, he found himself in a private void, devoid of family, loyal friends, or a woman.

Danny wasn't one to let emotions get in his way, so on the rare occasion that they broke free from the mental box where they were confined, he felt utterly disoriented. At those times, he even questioned himself, a dangerous pastime for a man in his business, where self-doubt could be a fatal flaw.

His two bodyguards walked a step behind him, prepared to take down any threats or problems.

"Manny, I'm going to retire to my office tonight. See that I'm not disturbed."

"You got it, boss." Manny's muscles bulged against the cloth of his tuxedo, and his scarred face bore evidence of his willingness to fight. "Nobody will get past Bruno and me."

The soft, woodsy vanilla aroma drifted past his nostrils as Danny opened the heavy mahogany door and entered his lavishly decorated office. Soft lights left a peaceful glow around the room, contrasting with the desk lamp standing guard over stacks of papers on his king-size desk. Two plush high-backed chairs and a small ornate table paid homage to the massive stone fireplace that ran from floor to ceiling, its hearth adorned with intricate ironwork and a crackling fire that added a cozy warmth to the space. A bottle of bourbon, a silver ice bucket, and a few high-ball glasses waited on a sidebar.

Danny poured the amber liquor and dropped a few ice cubes in his glass to chill it. As he raised the glass to his lips, a soft voice from the past floated his way.

"Hope you don't mind. I helped myself."

Danny's eyes widened as a series of memories flashed through his mind. He recognized the voice and the woman it belonged to, but that was impossible. He steadied himself against the table and turned toward the fireplace. "Ellie?" He rubbed his eyes and stared at the vision before him.

"Hi, Danny. It's been a long time."

Visibly shaken, Danny remained frozen in one spot. "Am I losing my mind?"

"Aren't you happy to see me?" Eleanor laughed softly and musically. She was toying with him, payment for long ago when he chose to walk away from a young budding romance.

"Of course, but you certainly took me by surprise. This can't be—" Danny stared at her. "You're supposed to be —"

"Dead! So, they tell me, but I had some unfinished family business to take care of, and now that's blown into something much worse."

Finally able to function, Danny drank his bourbon and poured another. "You're not here to knock me off, are you? Though being taken out by you would be a fitting end to my life."

"Oh, Danny, we were young and made rash decisions. Life is what happens when we least expect it. I'm not here to hurt you."

"I'd deserve it if you were." A faded memory flashed through their minds, and they both smiled. "I regretted that decision many times throughout my life."

"Regrets. We all have them, Danny." Eleanor set her drink on the table and stood by the fireplace. Her aura shimmered against the stone. "I'm sorry to come to you like this, but I need your help."

He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "You need my help? Anything! Whatever it is, ask me."

Eleanor smiled. "You might not be so eager when you discover what I need. Come and sit down. I promise not to bite."

"You bite? That's like those werewolf or vampire creatures, right?" Danny still wasn't sure if he was dreaming or if this was happening. Either way, he was out of his tough-guy status.

She chuckled. "It was a joke, Danny."

"A joke!" Danny nodded and moved toward the chair opposite the one Eleanor chose. "Of course it was. Silly me."

"I need you to take me seriously. I know my family said we would never expect you or your family to repay what we did for you, but —"

"Ellie, your father saved my family, and I could never repay —"

"Stop! I'm not here to dredge up old memories, especially those so dreadful and frightening. I wouldn't be calling in my marker if lives, including my niece, weren't at stake. Still, what I'm asking is dangerous, and I'll understand if you tell me no."

"Ask away, Ellie."

A warm, glowing smile touched her lips and her eyes. "No one else has ever called me that except you." Danny returned the smile.

"Is John Doyle a friend of yours?" Eleanor asked.

"The judge? That man can stoop so low I'd swear he was a snake slithering through the grass." Danny took a swallow of his bourbon. "Is that your favor? Do you want me to knock him off? It would be my pleasure. What's he done? Or more likely, what's he forced others into doing for him?"

"I don't have all the facts, but I know he has set out to destroy my family. Foolishly, Margaret fell in love with him, and now she's blindly covering for him. Her daughter Megan's life is in the balance."

"Don't tell me he's so sleazy he's sleeping with her, too?"

"No, it's much worse. I believe he's involved in despicable crimes, including selling young women."

"Woah! Booze and gambling were strong enough vices for me. That's a strong accusation. Are you sure?"

"I'm responsible for Megan being abducted." Eleanor turned away and stared into the fire. "He threatened murder charges against my nephew, Trevor, and I played my Ace, or so I thought. He countered me by kidnapping Megan."

"I'd heard he played real dirty, but you can't blame yourself."

"There's more!" Eleanor turned to look into Danny's eyes. "He's responsible for my murder."

"Murder!" Danny choked on his drink. Setting his glass on the table, he stood and paced the room. "I thought it was cancer?"

"So did everyone else, but I tricked him by putting a request for an autopsy in my will."

Danny's eyes rolled. "Good for you, but whatever possessed you to do that?"

"I discovered that the gallery where I display many of my paintings —"

"You paint?" Danny couldn't hide his surprise. "The girl who struggled to color inside the lines."

Eleanor laughed. "Improvement came with age and the patience of another charming man like yourself. But that's a story for another day. Under the name CJ Grey, I painted and supposedly joined the world of the rich and famous."

"You're CJ Grey?" Danny hastened across his office to a darkened corner of the room. He turned on a light over an artist's easel. A picture of a young woman staring out a window was displayed. "That explains why I fell in love with this painting and paid tens of thousands of dollars to have it."

Eleanor gasped. "Danny, that's me."

"I always thought there was a strong resemblance." Danny's eyes lingered on the painting, and then he returned to sit by Eleanor. "I loved it from first sight."

"Thank you. I'm glad it found a home with you."

"Now, back to the Judge and your murder."

"As I was saying, I discovered some of my paintings were missing from the gallery. I was told they were sent out for restoration, but it didn't make sense since I was never told about it. Long story short, someone is forging the paintings, putting the forgeries in the gallery, and reselling the originals overseas for three or four times their value."

"Who would pay those exorbitant prices?"

"You'd be surprised what collectors, especially ones with unlimited resources, are willing to pay."

Danny chuckled and glanced at the painting. "Yeah, like me."

"It's happening internationally. My paintings were just the tip of the iceberg, but the judge was afraid he might get caught with his sticky fingers all over it. He put poison in my sugar. Sweet dreams and no one expected anything except me. I knew he was a dangerous man."

You always were a smart cookie." Danny gazed at Eleanor. "So, how can I help? Do you have any idea where Megan is? And how the paintings are being shipped overseas?"

"That's where the favor comes in. I know you are familiar with Matthew Donatelli."

"We've had a few run-ins over the years."

"Well, he's working on Megan's case and a nice strapping Texas Cowboy is involved with the international case. His name is Garth Woodman. The two boys —" Eleanor chuckled. "They have history and don't work well together. I need you to bring them into the fold and take down the judge together."

"You want me to work with an FBI Agent and Detective Donatelli? You are asking a big favor." Danny rolled his eyes.

"I know, but there's not anyone else I would trust more than you."

Danny sat back in the chair, exhaling deeply. "This is big! Dangerous! Doyle carries a lot of power."

"Will you do it? We've got to find Megan before it's too late. I'm sure Doyle knows where she's at or who has her."

Danny nodded slowly, his mind thinking of how he could proceed. "It's going to be touchy. If the judge gets a clue that something's not kosher, he'll bail. I can't make any promises, Ellie. I wish I could, but —"

"All I can ask is that you try."

"I'll need to make some calls. I'll call in a few favors of my own. Don't worry, Ellie. We'll get Megan back and catch the snake, too."

"Thank you, Danny. This means more to me than you can imagine."

"For you, I'd do anything."

Eleanor stood, casting an adoring smile at him. "Be careful, Danny."

"I always am, darling." Danny stared into her eyes. "I was a fool —"

"We were kids, and you had a world to conquer." She turned and walked toward the door, blew him a kiss, and faded into the night.

Danny sipped his bourbon, then leaned back and closed his eyes, remembering.

A knock at his office door brought him back to reality. The door opened, and Manny popped his head around it. "Sorry, boss, but a nice-looking broad said you needed me."

Danny chuckled. "And she was right. Get Bruno. It's going to be a long night. We've got work to do."

"Yes, sir."

Manny closed the door and went in search of Bruno. Eleanor took a short walk around the casino, stopping now and then to bring some luck to someone, and then disappeared. Danny drifted back one last time before going to his desk, where the real work got done.


Eleanor Bennett alias (CJ Grey) - a woman of mystery
Margaret Ashley - Eleanor's sister
Megan Ashley - Margaret's daughter
Trevor Ashley - Margaret's son
Jonathon Williams - Eleanor's brother
Audrey and Jackson Mayfield - Art Gallery Owners
Peter - sales associate at gallery
Matthew Donatelli - Detective
Olivia Esposito - Female detective with Donatelli
Garth Woodman - FBI Agent -
Tango and Poppa - FBI Agents and Garth's sidekicks
Jenna Bradford - neighbor/friend and confidanct of Eleanor Bennett
Danny Veraci - casino owner and crime boss
Charles Weldon - A reknown artist and a memory from the past
Dylan Weldon - Charle's nephew and protege
Judge John Doyle - a prominent member of the judicial court and a crook
Nick - the charming guy at the party
Helen - Eleanor's life time friend
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