General Fiction posted July 17, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
75 Word Flash Fiction contest entry

The Peasant Bethany

by DragonSkulls

The king so rudely cast aside,
with ties he claimed were done,
the daughter birthed by his own Queen,
for Beth was not a son.
She fought a life so harsh and fierce,
a peasant raised in dirt.
But forged in time an army vast
through strength that she'd exert.
Then came the day her men drew swords
and charged the kingdom's throne.
And on her father's lifeless corpse,
she claimed the crown her own.

75 Words Flash Fiction contest entry

Yes, it's a poem but still tells a complete STORY in 75 words.

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Didn't even fucking place. Why bother?

Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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