General Non-Fiction posted July 16, 2024

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My late husband still checks in

My Husband's Visits

by Monica Chaddick

After my husband died, I was lost. I missed him so much – still do. One night, while sitting in the apartment that I had to get after having to give up my house, I was watching a movie when I heard what sounded like a man urinating in the bathroom. I knew I was alone, and my dog hadn't barked or anything, but he clearly heard it, as well, because he raised his head and looked that way. I started to get up when I clearly heard the toilet flush, then saw a shadow in the hallway. Now I was frightened, although still the dog seemed fine. I heard the distinct sound of footsteps in the hallway, then felt the air get cooler in my room suddenly, and I saw a misty figure in the hallway. It was my husband. He smiled at me. Then he spoke. He said, “You're okay, you'll be okay”. Since then, I have noticed his presence numerous times, and sometimes he moves things. Like once, when my son and I were in a heated argument, my late husband's cowboy hat that hangs above the hallway suddenly flew off the wall and across the living room. Furthermore, I have a dragonfly tattoo on my arm, and every time I am outside, especially in the pool, a dragonfly will flutter around my head. Once I say, “Hi, Mike,” it flutters away, but usually stays around the pool area as long as I am out there. I am so happy to know that he is still here with me, even if it isn't in the way that I want.

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