General Poetry posted July 15, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
To my maiden aunt who feared life but loved flowers.

Ode to Eva

by BethShelby

  • Those of her day
  • saw her youthful beauty
  • affirming her the fairest one of all.
  • But looking through a cracked and foggy glass,
  • She only saw a homely waif
  • and shrunk away
  • declaring herself unfit to be a bride.
  • Like a tender bud
  • fearing a season that never came,
  • she stepped aside
  • avoiding love’s intrusion.
  • She became a shrinking violet,
  • peering at life from darkened corners,
  • afraid of what might be lurking just ahead.
  • Thus with unopened petals,
  • she grew drab and withered
  • never knowing the heat of passion.
  • Her peers moved on, buying season tickets
  •  on Life’s roller coaster ride
  • while she found quiet repose
  • among the growing things,
  • With hoe in hand, she could be found
  • communing with her flowers.
  • We knew her thumb was green
  • because seeds sprang forth beneath her feet
  • in gay abandon expressing
  • a flamboyance her quivering lips
  • would never dare to utter.
  • Her season passed, as seasons do,
  • and she was planted
  • in fertile ground among
  • those of her kin, who'd gone before,
  • but from her grave a seedling sprouted,
  • and now in spring, a tulip tree
  • assures the world, she walked in beauty
  • and did not live in vain.

Free Verse Poetry Contest contest entry


The font appears the correct in the edit mode but when I view it some of the type is bolder print. I think the site is still having problems.
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