Commentary and Philosophy Non-Fiction posted July 14, 2024

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In A Civilized Society

No Place For This

by GoWiSt

My initial reaction when I heard the news reports and saw the video footages of Trump being shot at during the rally was “Is this some BB-gun shooting drama staged by Trump to curry sympathy votes?”

But when I learned that several innocent by-standers had also been hit, with one of them potentially dying, I realized this was no light, play or fake shooting and that it wasn’t choreographed. This was a very real attempt on an ex-president’s life!

I am in no way a Trump supporter for the presidency, but, with all the morality, justice and strength of my soul, I will vehemently defend his God-given right to life and relative safety. Unless in immediate self-defense, no one—no one!—should have the right to take another’s life, no matter how unpleasant the latter may be to the former. This assassination attempt is flat-out wrong, totally unjustified and darnright evil!

Trump, no matter what you think of him, is a ‘fellow human being’ with flaws and all, like the rest of us. He is a beloved family man—husband, father, grandfather—and is much admired by many. He is an adored celebrity, successful businessman and a wily hombre. Love him or hate him, the man is a force—fact!

If he is so hated, his haters should rather channel that vitriol to getting out votes against him during the election, than attempting to take his life. Take a man’s life, for what? ‘Cause you so dislike him politically, or even personally, that’s it? That’s just sick! Morally, intellectually, spiritually sick! And should never be condoned by any civilized society!

I will not vote for Trump in November. This is because I do not like his political ideologies and some of his character traits. But, if by some good fortune to himself, he happens to win the election, free and fair, I’ll be among the first to defend his right, and obligation, to perform his office as president of the United States of America (God help us!)

The presidency is bigger than any one person. What, eight years at most?

Such an assassination attempt is never warranted nor justified—never!

Assasination Attempt writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write your thoughts or feelings following the assassination attempt on President Trump. All forms of writing are accepted, including poetry.

Note: If posting poetry, choose "poetry" for the TYPE question when posting.

Praying for Trump, his family and team, and wishing him a speedy and total recovery.
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