Romance Poetry posted July 13, 2024 Chapters:  ...72 73 -74- 75... 

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Goodbye Poem for the Finding your Muse Club

A chapter in the book 2024 Gypsy's Free Verse

Goodbye Letter

by Gypsy Blue Rose

You'll never know how much I love you

'cause I didn't say it enough.

Romantic words didn't come easy

and now it's too late.

I wish your marble-cold body

could still feel my warm embrace

but don't be afraid to let go, my love,
lie in peace and rest the eternal rest.

You left me with a bleeding heart

brazed with unquenchable pain

and our last woeful words

reverberate in my mind and soul.

A regrettable song entwined

with the winds of grief and emptiness.

My agony is tangled in your raven hair

over our bed's pillow at the wake.

My powerlessness eats at me

as all I can do now is say goodbye,

my one-in-a-lifetime love, my wife,

as you journey into the eternal voyage.

I pray you can hear from beyond

the way my melancholic violin cries

covered with my veins' blood

Wait for me, my love,
Cillian Johnson

Inspired by Spanish poet, Federico Garcia Lorca

A fictional letter and Cillian Johnson character.

Free Verse Goodbye Letter for the Finding Your Muse Club. If you would like to join the club click on the link below, everyone is welcome.

Thank you for reading and reviewing my poem.


Pictures from my Pinterest account.

Poem and Presentation by Gypsy Blue Rose@copywrite 2024

Club entry for the "GOODBYE LETTER" event in "FINDING YOUR MUSE".  Locate a writing club.
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