General Poetry posted July 12, 2024

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Adam Questions

by A.Z. Schott

In my youthful ponderings,

I would occasionally ask my parents questions.

These were not the usual "Can I's?" and "How come's?"

This caliber of question was wearily dubbed:

"Adam Questions"

An "Adam Question" is a question that has no answer,

or it has too many answers,

or it has an answer no one wants to talk about.


- If the Bill of Rights can be amended, why isn't it called the Bill of Privileges?

- What's the point of a melting pot with only one ingredient?

- Why does the majority of our country worship a brown, humble carpenter, but never elects one?

- If I shouldn't be forced to get a vaccine, why should I be forced to have a baby?

- Why is a school shooter's 2nd Amendment right prioritized over his victims' right to life?

- If human trafficking is the purchasing of human beings, what's the foster care system?

- Is it suspcicious to anyone else that the people who deny climate change data are the same people who hate snowflakes?

- Why do we hire hostage negotiators to ransom innocent lives from gunmen but not from insurance companies?

- Why are the first people who love you when you come into the world the first to hate you when you come out to it?

- Why is it that a convicted criminal can't teach at a public school, but he can run the country?

- Why are they called the Left when they're usually right?

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