General Fiction posted July 12, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
An Irishman*s self-serving logic

Double Cross

by Terry Reilly

Seamus was late.
Nowhere to park. He was panicking.
Lifelong atheist and boozer, Seamus made the unthinkable
"Dear Lord, find me a space and I'll go to Mass every Sunday
and never drink again."
Miraculously, an empty space appeared.
Seamus looked skyward:
"Forget it, Lord, I've found one!"

Laughter Flash writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a 50-word story, fiction or nonfiction, to make us laugh!

But how did the Good Lord react. We*ll have to wait until the next
humorous Dribble to find out.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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