General Poetry posted July 6, 2024

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A poem about bipolar mania

The Bipolar Mania

by Pamusart

My mind is full of empty thoughts.
I bury them in empty plots.
But, somehow they come back to me.
These crazy thoughts won't let me be.

I bravely try to fill them in,
but they will never let me win.
The noise inside won't let me sleep.
I fret all night and start to weep.

I don't know where my soul has gone.
It's drowned by fluff that's just a con.
To concentrate is hard to do,
when empty thoughts won't give a clue.

They race to see which hurts the most,
and make my soul become a ghost.
My brain cells all get out of place.
I'd like my mind to end this race

I have to give my racing mind
the time to heal and then to find,
a soul that waits for my return,
when empty thoughts no longer churn.

Bi-polar does a lot of things,
and racing thoughts it often brings.
There's not a thing that I can do,
until the mania is through.



Yes this is first person. The one with bipolar is me

The reason it is called bipolar is because the person becomes two people.

There is the mania phase which I am trying to describe in this poem. During that phase, my mind just keeps thinking of everything and cannot quiet down. Because it cannot
quiet down it cannot really think about anything because all of these stray thoughts that come into my mind get in the way. There can be a false sense of grandeur

It is funny because everything can be going super well in your life and you can still be depressed. The opposite can also be true that everything is in the shit can and you feel happy. Those sre the bipolar blues.

there is also another side to bipolar. That is the depressive side. It causes depression, sometimes suicidal thoughts.

Phase of mania is almost always followed by a phase of depression. The mind with the mania just crashes, and then the depression sets in.

I think I am in the manic phase right now because I am doing a lot of reviewing and writing and that is a sign of mania. I just hope it does not crash or if it does it is not too hard.

It is a pretty awful disease, but I have some that are more awful. Lol not sure that is a good thing.

I think I will write about the depressive phase in a future poem

credit google for the photo

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