General Non-Fiction posted June 10, 2024

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in the nearby desert willow tree

Springtime's Jeweled Surprise

by BermyBye50


One sunny spring morning outside my kitchen window in Tampa Arizona amidst blooming cacti, I discovered a tiny jeweled surprise: a hummingbird's nest tucked into the crook of a branch. The nest, no larger than a child’s tea party teacup, sparkled with bits of lichen and spider silk. Intrigued, I watched as a vivid green hummingbird flitted back and forth, carefully tending to two tiny eggs in her nest.

Days turned into weeks, and I became enchanted by the mesmerizing daily rhythms of the mother bird. Each morning, with my coffee in hand, I observed her tireless dedication. Her tiny wings beat with a hum, a testament to her strength and resilience, as she nurtured her young.

Then one afternoon, as the sun dipped low, I noticed the faintest movement within the nest. Two tiny beaks peeked out, and I realized the eggs had hatched. As the fledglings grew stronger and began to explore the world beyond their nest, I felt a deep sense of connection to the hummingbird family. Their story of nurturing and new beginnings brought a touch of magic to my everyday life, a reminder of the beauty and wonder that nature holds.

The sight of the hummingbird inspired me to pen a poem, capturing the magic I had witnessed:


The Tiny Nest


In springtime's gentle, warming light so clear,

A mother's wings beat buzzing in my ear,

Her nest, a small round cradle, resting near,

Upon a branch where precious eggs did lie.


With threads of silk and lichen green, she weaves,

A home serene, unseen amongst the leaves.

Both day and night, she guards her cherished prize,

Her tiny world beneath the vast blue skies.


Her iridescent feathers gleam so bright,

She braves the rain on ev’ry daring flight.

With nectar sweet from flowers bright and fair,

She feeds her young from dawn till night with care.


Two tiny beaks emerge, so frail, and new,

Within this haven, life’s circle starts anew.

She nurtures them with tender love and grace,

A bond so strong, no time could ever erase.


Each day her wings buzz forth in joyous flight,

From nest to sky, she soars in pure delight.

A mother's work, her heart's most dear desire,

Seeing her young ones soar even higher.


In those quiet moments spent watching the hummingbird family, I found comfort and inspiration. On the day the fledglings took flight, their mother by their side, I couldn't help but feel a sense of hope for the future. In a world often filled with chaos and uncertainty, the simple beauty of nature's cycle reminded me of the resilience of life itself. And so, I carried their story in my heart, a cherished memory to revisit whenever life felt overwhelming.

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