Humor Non-Fiction posted May 29, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
a Delusionary, Illusionary, or Visionary Man

I Might Be

by Tom Horonzy

Delusion -a false belief not based on reality or symptomizing mental disorder;

Illusion - a perception that is not in line with reality created by the mind; 

Visionary - given to fanciful, unworkable, impractical ideas and views.
Well, if truth be told, as seen by me, and others may disagree, 
 my thoughts wind through a labyrinth upstairs 
devising diverse and pensively perverse ponderings 
pontificating to an audience, hypothetically, 
such aesthetic productions, as this being read,
 conclusively concluding my mind is one-of-a-kind, 
thus permitting me to decisively declare I am 
a blend of all three, conjointly joined, to be
one delusive, illusive, visionary man.

True Story Flash contest entry


The collage present includes pictures taken by me save for the cat, which came from and is meant to depict how heterogeneous a man I might be as seen by me - confused.

This piece took me five days to write, massaging it daily in an attempt to have you see how I see me, myself, and I to the world.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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