Spiritual Non-Fiction posted May 26, 2024

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Priority mail

by Wendy G

Dear God,

You know all about what’s going on in the world today, not only the wars, but the political corruption, and the general sense of depression and gloom, so I 'm not going to mention these. You are in control, despite what people think, and I know there won’t be lasting peace until your Son returns to us.  

You know how I love writing, but I am not going to ask for help to win anything (that's too trivial), and I will withdraw my request to help me publish my book. If it is your will, then publication will go ahead because it is good enough on its own merit. I did (and do) believe you wanted me to write it, so all I will ask is that you guide me as to where to send it, and to accept the outcome with peace.

I have been thinking (as you of course know!) about the most important things to talk with you about. As I am heading towards the end of my life journey, I’ll ask that you keep me in your care. I know you will, and you do, because you promised to do so, but I sometimes need that reassurance.

Keep me faithful in loving and serving you. At times I need strength and energy – and yes, willpower, for it is easy to choose a comfortable life. I need to remember that this life is like a grain of sand compared with all eternity, so I don't want to get too caught up in an easy life down here. I believe that this request is within your will, so I am looking forward to a positive answer here, just day by day of course. I know it’s an ongoing process.

My main heart’s desire is to see my family – all of them – come to know, really know, Jesus as their Saviour. That way we’ll all be together for eternity.

Now, I do know that this is your will also – but there is that problem of their free choice.

Can you really show them somehow (convince them beyond doubt, using the power of your Holy Spirit) that they need a perfect, reliable, and trustworthy Saviour, because there is no way any of us can earn our own way into heaven ....

I see this as two sides of a coin. You give us free will to make our own choices, but you also know which way we will choose.

I remember when my children were small, and they were heading towards danger. I called to them to stop (many times) – but they kept going until they got hurt. I knew that would happen because I could see the determination to “do their own thing” expressed clearly on their faces. So, yes, they did get hurt sometimes!

Well, I don’t want that for my loved ones. I don’t want them to have to take the consequences of “doing their own thing” in neglecting or rejecting you.

Can you please give them a desire within, to see they need you, and want to choose you? To come to love and obey you? To want to be in your family and your kingdom?

I know that’s a big thing to ask. But I am sure that’s what you want too. And you do have the power!

So, I am going to quote back to you a verse from the Bible. “The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” I know I am not righteous, but Jesus is, and I am asking him to pray this along with me. And if your Holy Spirit could speak on their behalf as well ….

I know you understand, and I am looking forward to seeing your answers, in your own time and way.  Your time is always the right time.

Many thanks, and much appreciation for all you do for me each day. I love you. 

Your daughter,


Dear God, writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a letter to God expressing your most pressing concerns and/or questions believing with all your heart and soul, that He will receive, read and answer you. Your letter does not necessarily have to be be a request. Just a sincere heart to heart will do. No poetry.

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. (James 5:16)
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