Humor Poetry posted May 25, 2024

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normality is turned upside-down

In Upside-Down World

by BermyBye50


Cats wear hats and sing in packs,

Lazy hunting dogs daily purr,

All clocks spin counterclockwise,

As time becomes a hazy blur.


Weekdays end right at sunrise,

Squirrels fly like hummingbirds,

Cows in aprons bake cute cakes,

And no one finds it absurd.


The moon laughs at the sky,

Fish ride bikes on the street,

Chickens dance a Viennese waltz,

Tree roots walk on nimble feet.


Chairs sit on people's laps,

Books read themselves aloud,

Bears dance a fancy funny jig,

 And daisy petals fall from clouds.


Clock hands spin backward,

Kids teach their parents math,

Elephants clumsily walk sideways,

And bubbles take warm baths.


Race horses drive fast cars,

Stars twinkle bright at noon,

Mountains play double-dutch,

Flowers sing fragrant tunes.


Fish swim through airy skies,

Birds backstroke in calm seas,

Trees grow roots in the clouds,

And butterflies buzz like bees.


Books read to people with a grin,

Mirrors reflect imaginary themes,

In a world turned upside-down,

By silly topsy-turvy daydreams.


Upside down writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a nonsense poem about a day where everything goes upside down. The rhyme scheme is ABCB.
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