Commentary and Philosophy Poetry posted May 24, 2024

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upside down world of The MAGA World

Living in a John Birch World

by jake cosmos aller

In the MAGA John Birchian Universe
The communists are still out to get us.
It seems that they are in a parallel universe,
Where everything seems treasonous.

In the MAGA John Birchian Universe 

The communists are still out to get us.

It seems that they are in a parallel world 

Where everything seems treasonous.

Upside down writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a nonsense poem about a day where everything goes upside down. The rhyme scheme is ABCB.

According to the Make America Great Again, Donald Trumps movement, the communists are about to take over the U.S. In reality, communism as a real thing has been dead since the late 90�¢??s even the Chinese Communists are not communists anymore, North Korea is doing its own thing, Vietnam is following the Chinese model, and Cuba is in a post-communist transition. As is Russia of course.
the John Birch Society was active from the 1930s to the 1980s and was constantly warning of the dangers of the communist movement.

listening to the MAGA movement people talking about the communist threat makes one think that they are living in an alternative upside-down world where the 50�¢??s Mc Carthy communist scare never ended and the John Birch Society was right.

I asked Bing Co-pilot to explore this question further.

question: among the MAGA movement folks there is a constant talk about the dangers of communists taking over the US and the world. why is there such a fixation on the alleged resurgence of communism? also discuss the role of the John Birch society in shaping this worldview.

The fixation on the alleged resurgence of communism among some MAGA movement followers can be attributed to historical context, ideological fears, and political narratives. Here are key points:
The fixation on the alleged resurgence of communism among some MAGA movement followers can be attributed to historical context, ideological fears, political narratives. Here are key points:
Cold War Legacy: The Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union fueled anti-communist sentiments. The fear of communism as an existential threat persisted even after the Cold War ended.
Political Rhetoric: Some politicians use anti-communism as a rallying cry to mobilize their base. It serves as a convenient enemy to unite against.
John Birch Society: Founded in 1958, the John Birch Society (JBS) played a role in shaping anti-communist views. It promoted conspiracy theories about communist infiltration in the U.S. government and other institutions.
Legacy of JBS: Although less influential today, the JBS contributed to the perception that communism posed an imminent danger. Its influence waned, but its ideas continue to resonate in certain circles1
�¢?�¢ John Birch Society: Founded in 1958, the John Birch Society is a far-right organization that opposes communism, globalism, and perceived threats to American sovereignty. It has influenced conservative thought and conspiracy theories.
In summary, the fixation on communism persists due to historical context, political rhetoric, and organizations like the John Birch Society shaping this worldview12.
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