General Poetry posted May 19, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
A Free Verse


by Jessica Wheeler

I ponder the echoes
of brilliant words
that resound
from past ponderings.

As if you held a secret
whispered by the cosmos,
a universe told
upon conception,
to brew in your mind's expanse.

A source, suppressed,
while wisdom wove,
latching, seeping,
as subtle as oxygen
to course through veins.

The world, once perceived,
has shifted,
yet the markings of your mind,
etched deep,
will persist in every tomorrow.

Still, I ponder, how
could you have known
what could not yet be known?
As the proof still piles high
in theories not disproven.

A brand of genius,
sharp enough
to pierce the veil of time,
with eyes that glimpsed
a world so far
beyond their own horizon.

A poem about a Man contest entry


I have had a passion for science since I was a little girl, fascinated by the intricate mysteries of the universe and eager to understand what could be understood. Albert Einstein's influential quest for knowledge has had an impact on me, inspiring a hunger for deeper contemplation. As both a physicist and a philosophical explorer, his work has broadened our understanding of space, time, and existence, creating a significant shift in the scientific world and beyond.

Unlike many scientists, His views extended far beyond what science can prove. Though his religious beliefs were complex and a bit controversial, he had a profound spiritual connection to the mysterious beauty of the universe, which he believed surpassed human limitations. I admire the endless curiosity that sparked a spectrum of thought that continues to light the way today.

~Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control. It is determined for the insect, as well as for the star. Human beings, vegetables, or cosmic dust, we all dance to a mysterious tune, intoned in the distance by an invisible piper.~
-Albert Einstein
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