Romance Poetry posted May 3, 2024 Chapters:  ...52 54 -55- 56... 

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Free Verse Quatrains

A chapter in the book 2024 Gypsy's Free Verse

Fire On the Mountain

by Gypsy Blue Rose


the moon sat 

like fire on the mountain

      crowned with a cloudless sky

      black and full of embers

my whole body and soul 

ached to call out to him

      but words escaped me

      in the stellar silence


his kind burning gaze

pierced my inhibitions

      and tamed 

      my rebellious heart


his beautiful face flared 

the way into my world

      as I felt a ripple of intimate

      touch inside me

 the largeness in me
touched the largeness in him
      as he caressed
the center of my universe

it caused a furious pounding

inside my heart 

      where my passion  

      and my being resides


a wild thought knocked on my mind

with a sense of urgency 

      that he was a wanderer as I am

      the one who could set me free


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