General Poetry posted May 1, 2024

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Poem about love gone bad after many years

All The Years

by Brenda Strauser

Do all the years mean nothing, just meaningless, our marriage a big lie?

One betrayal, then another, an  another, how many are there?  Or do I really want to know so I can hurt again.

How can you hide this much betrayal?  Do I even know you, who are you?

You are a stranger to me. Did you ever love me?

You continue to lie to my face.  I don't ask you anymore, you won't tell the truth

How does anyone deal with this pain? I feel emptiness and confusion

I feel numb, I feel nothing. I ache like a knife was put through me. 

Do you have any sense of guilt, or do you think  the  gifts you give me make up for what you do?

I have this deep pain within  me, it hurts to my very being.

I gave you the best years of my life. I just want to run away, any place away from you.

You just play the  game like everything is okay. It's always  about you.

I hope they make you happy, you will have to face God someday. 


Love Bites writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a poem about love gone wrong or lost love. It can be sad, raw, or just plain angry (Just keep it clean). Express the emotions of the darker side of love. Any style or length. Be creative.
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