Writing Non-Fiction posted March 28, 2024

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Demented Mind #2

Don't Cry for Me, Hollywood

by Tom Horonzy

Don't Cry for Me, Hollywood.  I have left the building and no longer care to see your imbecilic wares. 

The price of tickets continues to soar, and in return, we receive a din and a roar, with lion-like characters imposing indecent imagery, while liberal minds sell the propaganda that violence in our schools and worship centers should be blamed on the NRA and the supporters of the second amendment instead of the 57% R-rated films released by them according to the MPAA. Even PG-13-rated shows are an endangerment to moral minds. The f-word seemingly is more widely used than the conjunction ... and! 

Furthermore, family values have been discarded, and marriage has been set adrift like chaff in the wind, having the public believe God will justify the committance of a little sin. Go ahead, take advantage of one another. Dig a pit for thy neighbor. Fear not the consequence of lusting for the neighbor's spouse or committing adultery with whoever, wherever zippers can be unzipped. Even after saying that, how soon will it be before everyone? We are all running about in the buff, believing the punishment of a few stripes will be worth the pleasure of such transgressions.

We should all be "as mad as hell" for letting Congress allow filmmakers to introduce the nine circles of hell, inclusive of self-indulging acts such as gluttony, lust, greed, wrath, violence, and fraud. Instead, our representation disallows the scriptures in many schools while allowing transgender, gay, and lesbian books to be made available to kids who couldn't find their way home in a fog. I don't know what I mean by that, but suffice to say, my mind spoke the words, and all I did was type.


The photo is my own and seemed to fit someone texting to himself the passing thoughts of one demented mind that came as I dreamt a dream last night recalling Argentina. One thing led to another, which led to this release.
As forewarned, I have no control of where my mind visits, and the results are an olio of ravings from either a demented or mystifying mind.
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