Mystery and Crime Fiction posted March 25, 2024 | Chapters: |
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Morgan is arrested.
A chapter in the book Guilt-Stained Badge
Proper Mindset
by Douglas Goff
The author has placed a warning on this post for language.Background In the last chapter, Morgan rescued two females from a car that plunged into the East Waterway. |

Morgan watched the Emergency Medical Technicians working on the older woman as they loaded her into an ambulance. He couldn’t tell if she were dead or alive.
He, himself, was on a stretcher, wrapped in warm blankets while an EMT named Grady rubbed his arms and legs to get the circulation going. The child had already been taken away.
“You two still tailing me?” Morgan stared at Ronnie Tate and Darrin Belzer as they walked up.
“Is he injured?” Belzar addressed Grady.
“Hypothermia, minor lacerations on his hands, some bruises, and he’s pretty much exhausted. Other than that, your officer should be okay.”
“He ain’t our officer.” Ronnie Tate scowled.
“Any life threatening injuries?” Belzar ignored his partner.
“He really should go to the hospital to get his body temperature back up.” Grady shrugged.
“We’ll run the heater on high.” Tate aggressively grabbed Morgan by the shoulder and pulled him from the stretcher.
“Take it easy!” Grady yelled at them. “That man just rescued two woman from the river.”
“Why don’t you go find someone else to save?” Tate yelled over his shoulder at the frowning Grady.
The two uniformed officers escorted Morgan to their marked Seattle Police car. Tate shoved Morgan over the hood of the cruiser and put cuffs on him while Belzar began searching him.
A flash bulb on a large old-fashioned camera, held by reporter Mac Yung, flashed brightly in Morgan’s face. The reporter snickered, “Sinner or Saint, Detective Harper?”
The crowd, who had just watched Morgan save a child’s life, immediately began booing the cops. One man even threw a half-empty Coke can that bounced off the cruiser’s front bumper. Mac headed off to get pictures of the angry mob that was forming.
The two cops unceremoniously shoved the shivering Morgan into the back seat caged area of the unit and, a moment later, sped away.
“You know it’s against station policy not to buckle in your prisoners. I’m going to have to report you. Safety first.” Morgan’s words dripped with sarcasm.
“Shut the fuck up, Harper. And you can read yourself the Miranda rights. Nobody has questions for you. IA’s case is solid.” Tate smirked. “You’re going to rot in a tiny dark cell for the rest of your life.”
“Dark cell? Did WADOC (Washington Department of Corrections) stop paying their electric bills?” Morgan couldn’t help but goad the jerk.
“Okay smart ass. You can forget about that heater.”
By the time they reached the station, Morgan’s teeth were chattering and he was shivering uncontrollably. Should’ve kept my big mouth shut.
Once at the station, Morgan was printed, photoed, and booked into custody. His one call went to Tamra. It was nearing 7:00 pm.
“Hey, Tam. Things didn’t go as planned.” Morgan leaned his head against the block wall.
“Are you running late. I have dinner on the ta—-“
“They got me.” He sighed.
“No. What? How?” He could hear the distress in her voice.
Another long sigh. “Paco Sanchez.”
“That pimp again?”
“Yeah. He and his boys tried to kill me. There was a high speed chase that ended in a bad accident. I wound up in the East Waterway.”
“Oh no! Are you okay, Morgan?”
“Yeah, for the most part. Let’s just say it’s a good thing I opted for the insurance on my rental car.” His joke failed to lighten the somber mood.
“So what now?”
“They just processed me. It’s Friday night, so I’m guessing I’ll be sitting in county jail until they get me in front of a judge on Monday. I’ll know more then.”
“You want me to find you an attorney?”
“Nah. I already have a couple of names in mind. Guys I like from past dealings, even though they were always on the other side of the aisle.”
“Will the judge give you bail?”
“Not sure. I did leave the country for a month after being told to stay in town. Still, on paper, I was a great cop. I guess I’ll know more Monday.” He did some quick calculations. “I have a bit over 400 grand in my accounts. Plus my retirement IRA, if I need it.”
“You only have to pay 10% of what the judge sets. Your money would go a long ways." Now she sounded hopeful.
“Don’t hold your breath. They think I’m a serial killer. Everything they have is circumstantial, so I think I can beat this, but I may be gone for a long time.”
“I know,” she whispered. “But it doesn’t hurt to have hope.”
“Okay, Tam, they’re signaling me that I have to go.” He paused. “I know this is crap timing, but I think I love you.”
“I know I love you, Morgan. I always have.” Then she was gone.
Ronny Tate took Morgan to an interrogation room. “Right where you belong. Transport will be here soon. I’ll be sure to let some of the boys I locked up over in county know you’re coming. Bet they’re going to take real kindly to a cop in their midst.”
Tate cuffed the dejected Morgan to the bar that ran along the top of the metal table and put his face inches from Morgan’s. "I have twenty years on the force and they gave that homicide promotion to you? Should’ve been mine. Guess justice was served now.”
“You should invest in some mouthwash,” Morgan quipped.
Tate grabbed the back of the restrained man’s head and shoved it against the metal table. “You’re getting what you deserve, you son-of-a-bitch.”
“Smile. You’re on camera.”
“Cameras ain’t gonna save you in County.” Tate released Morgan and, scowling, turned and looked at the security camera in the upper corner of the room. He left the room, locking the door behind him.
Morgan kept his head on the table, shivering uncontrollably from the cold. At least my clothes finally dried. I guess I’m in the shit now. I’m going to have to get in the proper mindset to survive prison.
A long time later, the lock clicked and the door swung open. Time to go. Let the games begin.
Character/Suspect List:
Homicide Detective Morgan Harper - The heavily faulted main character who never recovered from the suicide of his wife.
Kelly Pierson - a young, new to the game, prostitute who is frequented by Detective Morgan.
Tamra Burns- a crime scene technician who is Debra's identical twin.
Internal Affairs Officer Brian Anderson - Investigating Morgan Harper.
Homicide Detective Hutch Kelly - Morgan’s partner.
Captain Howitz - Morgan’s boss who runs the Homicide Unit.
Ronny Tate - Street cop who can't stand Morgan.
Darrin Belzar - Religious by-the-book street cop.
Paco Sanchez - A local pimp and street thug.
Hugo Chavez - Paco's thug/bodyguard.
Doctor Millison Parker - Morgan’s psychiatrist.
Mac Yung- Aggressive reporter.
Ted 'Teddy' Norton - Morgan's old academy training officer.
Steve Vance - Vicki's husband.
Vicki Vance - An old friend of Morgan and Debra’s. Murdered in her bar by the killer.
Beth Mackie - A murdered prostitute.
Jennifer Collins - The first victim prostitute.
Amy Henderson - The second victim prostitute.
Debra Harper - Morgan’s deceased wife who committed suicide.
This story is a graphic and gritty crime novel. Do NOT read this if you do not like harsh reads.
I can not promote daily, so if you are one of my two free reviewers please correct something!

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