General Fiction posted March 18, 2024

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that's how kids learn

Lessons From Pop

by jim vecchio

Bob and Jose were trading stories about lessons they learned from their parents.

Bob began, “When my pop was a kid, he thought he knew everything. He wanted to supervise other people in carpentry, and sit and watch and take the profits.”

Jose asked what lesson he learned from that.

“Well, his pop gave him all the tools and materials he needed, and told him to teach him how to build a bench.”

“Did he do it?”

“Without any guidance, his pop followed his directions. He built the ugliest looking bench in the world!”

“Is that it?”

“No, there’s more! When he sat on it, the whole thing fell apart! Pop learned Before you can teach something to others, you must be able to do it yourself!”

Now it was Jose’s turn.

“When Pop was in the army, he was flying over enemy territory when his plane got hit. They only had a small bit of flying time left before he could bail out.”

“Gawrsh! What happened?”

“Well, Pop grabbed every single weapon he could carry and was about to jump!”

“Is that it?”

“No! Before he went out, he remembered a bottle they had hidden in a compartment. He grabbed the bottle, guzzled it, and jumped.”

“In enemy territory?”

“Yep! They came on him from all sides. He took out his revolver in one hand, fired and hit them and then reached for another gun and did the same. With the other hand, he slashed out with a knife and got lots of them that way too! Then, he remembered that hand grenade he stuffed in his uniform…”

“Well, what does that prove? Did you learn anything from it?” asked Bob.

“And, the moral of the story is: Stay away from my pop when he’s been drinking!”

Write A Modern Fable writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a short fable-like story where the last sentence starts with: "And the moral of the story is". This can be on any subject, true or fictional, and can be in any voice, as long as the moral is stated in the last line. A new twist on an old fable is also allowed. Be creative and have fun! Maximum word count: 300.
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