General Fiction posted March 17, 2024

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A modern Fable

Spinning world

by zanya

Grandpa Joe spent most afternoons in Spring weeding and preparing to sow carrots in his vegetable patch. He was looking forward to grandson Abel  dropping by on his way home from college.

Just then he heard the creak  of the garden gate.

‘Hi Gramps, what d’y think? Should I call her or not?’

‘Call who, Abel?’

‘Says her name is Rachel….bumped into her on the way out of class yesterday. She wasn’t there today. Have I messed up Gramps?’

Gramps tugged hard at the remaining weeds.

‘Dunno, Abel.’

‘What d’y mean Gramps. When you met Grandma you didn’t mess up.’

Standing upright from his weeding chores in the carrot patch, Grandpa smiled at his grandson who was clearly experiencing the first real stirrings of love.

‘In our day Abel we coiffed and greased our hair before knocking on the young lady’s door and inviting her to take a stroll.’

‘You’re so uncool Gramps. How boring.’

Abel scrolled continuously on his phone, Suddenly Gramps heard Abel’s voice ‘Hi Rachel wanna watch Netflix at my place?’

Gramps smiled benignly at the sound of his grandson’s voice.

‘Young men don’t woo like they did in my day,’ Grandpa muttered,’Guess the world spins a lot faster these days,’

And the moral of the story is ; Strike while the iron is hot.

Write A Modern Fable writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a short fable-like story where the last sentence starts with: "And the moral of the story is". This can be on any subject, true or fictional, and can be in any voice, as long as the moral is stated in the last line. A new twist on an old fable is also allowed. Be creative and have fun! Maximum word count: 300.

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