Mystery and Crime Fiction posted March 11, 2024 | Chapters: |
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All the gears are turning
A chapter in the book Living On The Edge
Living on the Edge - Chap 13
by Begin Again

Father Terry Williams and Jake knelt together at the altar, praying for guidance and safety in the face of tonight's danger. As childhood friends, they had made a pact to have each other's backs, and now that promise was about to be tested.
With hands clasped, Jake prayed, "May your truth guide my actions, and may I remember that I am called to be a peacemaker in a troubled world. I give you all the honor and glory, Jesus, and I pray that you continue to watch over my fellow officers and me. In the name of Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen."
Father Williams made the sign of the cross and sprinkled holy water on Jake, saying, "May God be with you, my friend."
Terry was worried. He knew the battles that Jake had faced during his career and the danger that lay ahead. "Jake, are you sure about this? The girl's a novice, and her life will be in danger."
"I'm well aware, but she's determined to go whether she has my blessings or not."
"You've faced dangerous men before, but she has not. She could make a mistake. Are you prepared to think and react for both of you?"
"I've no choice. What will be will be, I guess." Jake shook his head. "I'll do my best and hope it's enough."
"On another note, have you checked on Troy? How's he doing?"
"I've not been to see him, but Frankie says he's improving day by day. So far, no one is aware of where he is, and I hope to keep it like that. Though, I know Frankie's place is a fortress."
"And the girl?"
We've got our ears to the ground, but so far, there have been no rumblings. The body Richard claimed to be Alyssa was too convenient. Layla doesn't believe it was her, and neither do I." Jake stared at the cross of Jesus before adding, "I'm going to take him down, Terry. He's playing God, and we've already got one, and that's how it will always be."
"Amen! You had better get going so you can double-check what's happening. Stay safe, and I shall pray for the two of you."
"Thanks. We need all the help we can get." Jake waved his goodbye and left the church.
The priest watched his friend walk away and prayed, "Our Father in Heaven, in your name, I ask that you guide him tonight and keep them safe. Amen."
A procession of luxurious sedans and SUVs drove up the long, winding driveway to Frank Divito's home. Frank had requested a favor from his guests, who accepted without hesitation.
"Sammy, have our guests settled themselves in the boardroom?" Frank asked.
"Yes, sir. I had Marie set up a coffee bar with pastries. They are enjoying it now," Sammy replied, intuitively knowing Frankie's wishes. "The Snoz and Big Lou flew in from California and have cornered the market on the cannoli." He laughed. "They have no shame."
"Those two have eating down to a fine art, my friend. Mangia!"
"I warned Marie to have plenty of backup in the kitchen."
"Perfect! Have you had time to check on our friends in the west wing?"
"I have! The doctor says Troy is improving faster than predicted." Sammy could not hide his smile. "It could be due to his newfound interest in our other guest, who is healthy in all aspects except remembering."
"It will come in time. Does Troy know who she is?"
"He does, but I think his smitten heart speaks louder than his mind."
Frank chuckled. "Love can do that sometimes. Bellissimo!"
"Will you be going to the boardroom now?"
"No, I have some calls to make. Let them enjoy their breakfast, and I'll join them shortly."
Frank turned to leave but had one more thing to say. "Sammy, I want to thank you for helping me. I know Troy has been your friend, but you don't owe Jake or Alyssa anything."
"Boss, you know I'd do anything for you. They're your friends so they are mine."
"I just wanted you to know I appreciate it. Now, before I have sap dripping from my face, let's get back to work."
Their laughter filled the room as they both left.
Troy couldn't stop checking the door. She'd visited him twice a day, once at ten and then again at three. Their visits had eased the pain of lying in bed when he'd much rather be on the streets proving his innocence. He wondered how she would react when she discovered who he was, or who she believed he was.
Just before noon, Alyssa's smiling face appeared. Troy's face lit up as he grinned. "I was worried. I thought you might not be coming."
"How sweet! I'm sorry I worried you, but I've got good news."
"Great! What's going on?" Troy silently prayed that they weren't releasing her.
"I had a breakthrough this morning. I was so excited."
Instant fear popped into Troy's brain. Had Alyssa remembered who he was? He squashed that thought because she was so happy.
"So, tell me what happened? Did you remember who you are?" he asked, holding his breath and expecting the worst.
"No, but I remembered wearing fancy dresses and dancing. I was searching for something, but I had no idea what. The doctor says it was a beginning, though. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll remember more."
Troy nodded, trying to be happy for her. But he couldn't help worrying about what might happen to their friendship if she ever remembered who he was or worse if she hated him again.
"Buongiorno, my friends. Thank you for coming on such short notice. This afternoon, you are free to enjoy my home. Please, take a stroll through the beautiful gardens, and relax at the pool, or for athletic buffs, feel free to use the gym, the jogging path, or tennis courts. It's all available for your enjoyment. Later tonight, we shall visit a local bar for some country-style fun. Be prepared for lots of drinking and dancing, all at my expense, of course."
Frankie's guests cheered and applauded, sharing laughter and bawdy remarks.
"Carl, Benny, and Pete, can I have a moment alone with you in my study, please?" The three men nodded and followed Frank from the room. In the hall, he added, "I have some special fun for you fellows."
Gazing out the window, Jake was lost in his thoughts when Layla interrupted him, "A penny for your thoughts."
Startled, he turned to face her. "Did you say something to me?"
She chuckled softly. "You look like a child who got caught in the cookie jar. Are you okay?"
Jake nodded. "Just thinking, I guess. I'm worried about tonight."
She understood. She was worried too. She hadn't been able to imagine Allie doing this, yet here she was, a pure novice, exposing herself to the criminal element. She knew it was the right thing to do regardless, but instead of telling Jake her concerns, she asked, "You set up stings and take down the bad guy all the time, right? I'd think it was routine."
"Nothing's ever routine, Layla. The bad guy always has an extra trick up his sleeve. My job is to figure out what it could be."
She smiled. "And you haven't figured it out yet, or is it me?"
Jake's tone was quiet and serious. "I'm putting you in danger. If something goes wrong —"
Layla interrupted him, "You're not putting me anywhere. I'm doing this by choice. I'm doing this for my sister." She hesitated, lowered her eyes, and added, "And for you."
Jake stood and walked over to her. "Don't do it for me, Layla. It's my job, not yours." He hadn't realized his hands were gripping her arms. He'd frightened her, which was not his intention. His arms encircled her, and he pulled her tight, whispering, "I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me."
Resting her head against his chest, she could hear the beating of his heart. "I think you do." A reddish blush crept across her cheeks, and her blue eyes sparkled. His breath was warm against her cheek. Her eyelids fluttered, then closed as she murmured, "I think we both do."
"I — I shouldn't." His finger played with a curl, pushing it away from her face.
"Shouldn't what?"
"I think I might kiss you."
"Then do it!" She laughed, brushing her soft lips against his face. "Feel better. I beat you to it." Layla hadn't ever been so bold with Ryan, but with Jake, it felt different. It felt right.
He grinned as he stared into her eyes, then bent his head and kissed her. It was soft and warm, like butterflies brushing across her lips. He whispered, "Not bad."
Layla laughed. "Not bad at all." Expecting a follow-up kiss, she cocked her head to the side, asking, "That's it?"
Jake released her and took a step backward. "As much as I'd like to pursue this moment, our timing is way off. I'm sorry."
Layla blushed. "Sorry you kissed me, or sorry it happened at all?"
"No, don't misunderstand me. I — I'm not the kind of guy to mix business with pleasure. I should —
Layla snapped, "You didn't. I kissed you first." She glared at him. "I better get ready for tonight. Excuse me." She entered Allie's bedroom and slammed the door.
"Did you get the picture I sent?"
"I did. He looks like a guy who busted a drug ring in Detroit a few years back. Sent a few of my friends away for a long time. It'll be my pleasure to finish him off."
"Don't get cocky, Marcos. This guy is slick. He'll be on the lookout, expecting that Tommy might have a backup."
"I know how to do my job, Chief. He'll be down, and no one will ever know I was there. In-and-out. And that ride of yours, well, that baby is going to be mine."
"You do this right, and you'll be able to buy a whole fleet of those babies."
"Don't worry about me getting it right. Just see your guys rush in after him and the girl, not me."
"I've never let you down, Marcos. You and me, we've got this."
Jake tapped on the bedroom door. When he didn't get an answer, he spoke, "Layla, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."
He waited, but her only answer was silence.
"Layla, you don't have to do this. But if you insist, then I need to talk to you before I leave."
He heard movement inside the bedroom. "Layla, please open the door."
Layla cracked the door open. "Say what you have to say and then go."
"No. I need to give you instructions. You won't see me, but if you do, don't act like you recognize me. I don't know who might be watching."
She opened the door wider.
He handed her a knife. She jerked her hand away.
"I don't want that. You or the police are going to catch him, right?"
"I warned you, anything can happen. Take the knife."
"It's just a precaution, I don't — won't use it!"
"I don't want you doing this, but if you insist, you must be safe. Promise me you'll carry it."
She nodded. "I — I promise."
"Listen, I have to go. Just go into the bar. If some guy hits on you, walk out. If he follows, walk into the park. I'll be very close. Do you have any questions?"
"No, I know what I need to do. It's simple." She started to close the door.
He put his hand against it to stop it from closing. "After this is over, we'll talk about earlier. For now, I need you to focus on what's happening at the bar. Nothing else. Okay?"
"Okay." She closed the door and leaned against it, wondering if she'd lost her mind. She knew she'd lost her heart.
"How sweet! I'm sorry I worried you, but I've got good news."
"Great! What's going on?" Troy silently prayed that they weren't releasing her.
"I had a breakthrough this morning. I was so excited."
Instant fear popped into Troy's brain. Had Alyssa remembered who he was? He squashed that thought because she was so happy.
"So, tell me what happened? Did you remember who you are?" he asked, holding his breath and expecting the worst.
"No, but I remembered wearing fancy dresses and dancing. I was searching for something, but I had no idea what. The doctor says it was a beginning, though. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll remember more."
Troy nodded, trying to be happy for her. But he couldn't help worrying about what might happen to their friendship if she ever remembered who he was or worse if she hated him again.
"Buongiorno, my friends. Thank you for coming on such short notice. This afternoon, you are free to enjoy my home. Please, take a stroll through the beautiful gardens, and relax at the pool, or for athletic buffs, feel free to use the gym, the jogging path, or tennis courts. It's all available for your enjoyment. Later tonight, we shall visit a local bar for some country-style fun. Be prepared for lots of drinking and dancing, all at my expense, of course."
Frankie's guests cheered and applauded, sharing laughter and bawdy remarks.
"Carl, Benny, and Pete, can I have a moment alone with you in my study, please?" The three men nodded and followed Frank from the room. In the hall, he added, "I have some special fun for you fellows."
Gazing out the window, Jake was lost in his thoughts when Layla interrupted him, "A penny for your thoughts."
Startled, he turned to face her. "Did you say something to me?"
She chuckled softly. "You look like a child who got caught in the cookie jar. Are you okay?"
Jake nodded. "Just thinking, I guess. I'm worried about tonight."
She understood. She was worried too. She hadn't been able to imagine Allie doing this, yet here she was, a pure novice, exposing herself to the criminal element. She knew it was the right thing to do regardless, but instead of telling Jake her concerns, she asked, "You set up stings and take down the bad guy all the time, right? I'd think it was routine."
"Nothing's ever routine, Layla. The bad guy always has an extra trick up his sleeve. My job is to figure out what it could be."
She smiled. "And you haven't figured it out yet, or is it me?"
Jake's tone was quiet and serious. "I'm putting you in danger. If something goes wrong —"
Layla interrupted him, "You're not putting me anywhere. I'm doing this by choice. I'm doing this for my sister." She hesitated, lowered her eyes, and added, "And for you."
Jake stood and walked over to her. "Don't do it for me, Layla. It's my job, not yours." He hadn't realized his hands were gripping her arms. He'd frightened her, which was not his intention. His arms encircled her, and he pulled her tight, whispering, "I'm sorry, I don't know what's gotten into me."
Resting her head against his chest, she could hear the beating of his heart. "I think you do." A reddish blush crept across her cheeks, and her blue eyes sparkled. His breath was warm against her cheek. Her eyelids fluttered, then closed as she murmured, "I think we both do."
"I — I shouldn't." His finger played with a curl, pushing it away from her face.
"Shouldn't what?"
"I think I might kiss you."
"Then do it!" She laughed, brushing her soft lips against his face. "Feel better. I beat you to it." Layla hadn't ever been so bold with Ryan, but with Jake, it felt different. It felt right.
He grinned as he stared into her eyes, then bent his head and kissed her. It was soft and warm, like butterflies brushing across her lips. He whispered, "Not bad."
Layla laughed. "Not bad at all." Expecting a follow-up kiss, she cocked her head to the side, asking, "That's it?"
Jake released her and took a step backward. "As much as I'd like to pursue this moment, our timing is way off. I'm sorry."
Layla blushed. "Sorry you kissed me, or sorry it happened at all?"
"No, don't misunderstand me. I — I'm not the kind of guy to mix business with pleasure. I should —
Layla snapped, "You didn't. I kissed you first." She glared at him. "I better get ready for tonight. Excuse me." She entered Allie's bedroom and slammed the door.
"Did you get the picture I sent?"
"I did. He looks like a guy who busted a drug ring in Detroit a few years back. Sent a few of my friends away for a long time. It'll be my pleasure to finish him off."
"Don't get cocky, Marcos. This guy is slick. He'll be on the lookout, expecting that Tommy might have a backup."
"I know how to do my job, Chief. He'll be down, and no one will ever know I was there. In-and-out. And that ride of yours, well, that baby is going to be mine."
"You do this right, and you'll be able to buy a whole fleet of those babies."
"Don't worry about me getting it right. Just see your guys rush in after him and the girl, not me."
"I've never let you down, Marcos. You and me, we've got this."
Jake tapped on the bedroom door. When he didn't get an answer, he spoke, "Layla, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."
He waited, but her only answer was silence.
"Layla, you don't have to do this. But if you insist, then I need to talk to you before I leave."
He heard movement inside the bedroom. "Layla, please open the door."
Layla cracked the door open. "Say what you have to say and then go."
"No. I need to give you instructions. You won't see me, but if you do, don't act like you recognize me. I don't know who might be watching."
She opened the door wider.
He handed her a knife. She jerked her hand away.
"I don't want that. You or the police are going to catch him, right?"
"I warned you, anything can happen. Take the knife."
"It's just a precaution, I don't — won't use it!"
"I don't want you doing this, but if you insist, you must be safe. Promise me you'll carry it."
She nodded. "I — I promise."
"Listen, I have to go. Just go into the bar. If some guy hits on you, walk out. If he follows, walk into the park. I'll be very close. Do you have any questions?"
"No, I know what I need to do. It's simple." She started to close the door.
He put his hand against it to stop it from closing. "After this is over, we'll talk about earlier. For now, I need you to focus on what's happening at the bar. Nothing else. Okay?"
"Okay." She closed the door and leaned against it, wondering if she'd lost her mind. She knew she'd lost her heart.
![]() Recognized |
Troy Sinclair - Ex-cop recently released from prison
Richard Harrison - Chief of Police and Troy's brother
Alyssa Saladino - Undercover cop
Tommy - Sandra's ex-partner and Alyssa's current one (a dirty cop)
Penny - Chief of Police's Assistant
Frank Divito - small-time mob boss
Sammy - Frankie's right-hand man
Jake - a friend of Troy and an undercover FBI Agent
Tyler Chadwick - NYC Detective
Antonio - a childhood friend - a hood
Layla Saladino - Alyssa's sister and fashion designer
Father Terry Williams - Priest and childhood friend
Marcos - a criminals' henchman
one point
and 2 member cents. Richard Harrison - Chief of Police and Troy's brother
Alyssa Saladino - Undercover cop
Tommy - Sandra's ex-partner and Alyssa's current one (a dirty cop)
Penny - Chief of Police's Assistant
Frank Divito - small-time mob boss
Sammy - Frankie's right-hand man
Jake - a friend of Troy and an undercover FBI Agent
Tyler Chadwick - NYC Detective
Antonio - a childhood friend - a hood
Layla Saladino - Alyssa's sister and fashion designer
Father Terry Williams - Priest and childhood friend
Marcos - a criminals' henchman

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