Mystery and Crime Fiction posted March 10, 2024 | Chapters: |
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Everyone's out to outsmart the other
A chapter in the book Living On The Edge
Living On The Edge - Chap 12
by Begin Again

Layla, who had just awakened from several hours of sleep, went to the front room, where Jake was on the phone. She leaned against the door frame, watching him intently. After he ended the call, she said, "You shouldn't have stayed. I know you have things to do. I can take care of myself. I do run a business in the big city, you know."
He smiled warmly and turned towards her. "Nothing is more important than being here with you. It's been a stressful day. You deserve to have a friend by your side."
Layla felt a sense of relief wash over her as if she was finally safe after a long and tiring journey. "You're too kind. We've just met, yet you put yourself out there for me."
"It's nothing. Someone once told me, 'Do unto others as you want them to do unto you.' It's an excellent motto, don't you think?
He watched her walk across the room to join him. As she stood in front of him, he ran his hands through her hair and tipped her head towards his face. "I'm here. You can trust me. Do you believe that?"
She smiled, and he couldn't help but notice how her eyes lit up and her tiny dimples appeared. A sudden urge to kiss her overwhelmed him.
Stop it, Jake! Have you lost your mind?
He suppressed his feelings. He needed to remain calm and in control. Grinning, he shifted gears. "And now, I'll fix us something to eat. Are you hungry?"
"Not really. Could we sit and talk for a little while?"
"Sure. I'll start a fire. You get cozy on the couch. Would you like a glass of wine? I see there are a few bottles in the wine rack. Red or white?"
"A nice white Zinfandel, if there is one."
Jake added a couple of logs to the fire and headed for the kitchen. He returned with two glasses of wine, a tray of cheese and crackers, and some grapes. He shrugged and smiled. "It's all I could find."
"Oh, that looks great. Ryan would never have done something like this for me."
"A guy I was dating, but it's over. He called me today and was irate because I'd left New York to come find my sister."
"I'm sorry." He felt like she'd poured a bucket of water over his head. How dumb of him not knowing she had a boyfriend in New York.
She reached out and touched his hand. "No, don't be." She, too, had felt a momentary tingle.
Confused, Layla picked up her wine glass and sipped. "I knew before this happened that we were not meant to be. I need a man who wants to be there for me, with me, not because I'm rich or famous, but because he cares about me."
There it was again. The urge to kiss this woman he barely knew. Instead, he popped a piece of cheese into his mouth and added, "You deserve to have that and so much more."
He placed a small piece of cheese on a cracker and held it near her mouth. "Eat! You need to keep your strength up if you intend to find your sister."
Without thinking, Layla wrapped her arms around Jake and hugged him. "You really believe she's still out there, don't you?" Realizing what she'd done, she was embarrassed and dropped her arms to her side.
He wanted her arms back. He'd liked her arms around his neck.
He picked up another piece of cheese and answered, "I do, and hopefully, we can try one more time to catch the guy."
"Penny told me that Allie was working undercover with the police department, but the Chief acted like he'd never met her the first day he came to the apartment. I can't help wondering why he would do that?"
"Just between you and me, the Chief has a lot to answer for, but the powers-to-be want all their ducks in a row.
"Powers to be?" She needed clarification. "Do you work for the Chief?"
Jake stared into the fire, thinking about Layla's question. He decided she deserved the truth. "I've not been forthcoming about who I am with you or anyone else in this town."
Alarms went off in Layla's head. Her back stiffened. She raised her glass to her mouth but didn't drink. Her throat was tight. "So, you're just like the others? You lied?"
"No — yes — but for a good reason." The sure-footed Jake was stuttering. He felt like a fool.
"I see!" Her tone was icy.
Jake reached for her hand, but she jerked it away. He cleared his throat. "It's the nature of my job."
"To lie to women? Do you think I'm one of those prostitutes?" Anger flared in her eyes. "Tell me, did you ever really want to help me find my sister or was that just part of your plan?"
She started to get off the sofa, but Jake reached out and held her there beside him. "Please, let me explain." He looked into her eyes. "Please."
She turned her head, staring at the flames flickering in the fireplace. A royal debate was taking place in her head.
He lied! I can't trust him. You can! At least give him a chance to explain.
Her decision was made; the tension eased from her shoulders. "I'm listening."
Jake was physically relieved. He hadn't realized he'd been holding his breath. He sighed. "I'm going to tell you something because I trust you. I am a Special Agent for the FBI. I work out of Washington D.C. I've been sent here to work undercover because certain people are suspected of using the red-light district for profit by selling women to the highest bidders. The ones who they considered low-grade are murdered to get them off the streets. In some sick way, they think they are doing society a favor. The prettier ones are sold to the highest bidder."
Layla gasped. "That's what Allie was doing? Oh, my God, she was the bait to catch these men."
"That about sums it up. But in your sister's case, she wanted to solve her friend's murder, which was considered a closed case. She made people nervous." He drank some wine, thinking about Troy. "My friend served four years because he was framed. I asked to be assigned because, like your sister, I wanted to solve the case. On the other hand, Chief Harrison wanted it to stay closed."
"Jake, he only gave you another twenty-four hours. We shouldn't be sitting here talking, you — we need to be out there."
"Have you lost your mind? You aren't trained to put your life on the line, Layla. I can't let you do it."
"You can't stop me either. If I want to go to a bar and have a drink, I can. If you want to be my backup, that would be perfect. Jake, I don't know if my sister is dead or alive, but I know she risked her life to crack the case. I want to do it — one more time to honor her."
His thoughts raced, but in the end, he knew she'd do it with or without him. "I think I've lost my mind, but I'm willing to give it a shot if you are. But not tonight. I need to get men in place if we are going to do this, okay?"
While he drove, classic 60's songs played on the radio. Richard loved cruising in his car, but he loved getting the upper hand even more. Everything was falling into place, and soon it would all be his.
He placed a call.
"Tommy, it's me. It's happening tomorrow at the Lazy Saloon. Antonio's AWOL, so you take his spot."
"Me? But, Boss —"
Richard yelled, "I said you. The marks the broad from New York."
"Allie's sister? Why?"
"The two are two peas in a pod. You and Antonio got sloppy. Now clean it up or —" Richard grinned into his rearview mirror. "Or you might be next. Understood?"
"Understood, boss." The call disconnected.
The Cutlass cruised to the curb, and Marcos jumped in. He admired the car. "You kept it up. Nice!"
"Make you a deal, Marcos. You do this one right, and it's yours."
"Really? Must be big."
"It is. You're going to take out an FBI agent tomorrow night."
"FBI in Rockford? Since when?"
"Since they thought they pulled a fast one on me and sent an old childhood friend undercover. But I'm no fool. I've got my sources, too."
"A job's a job. They all bleed the same." Marcos laughed. "When and where?"
"That's what I like about you, Marcos. Game on!"
While the two men cruised and made plans, a dark sedan followed them, keeping a safe distance to avoid being seen.
![]() Recognized |
Richard Harrison - Chief of Police and Troy's brother
Alyssa Saladino - Undercover cop
Tommy - Sandra's ex-partner and Alyssa's current one (a dirty cop)
Penny - Chief of Police's Assistant
Frank Divito - small-time mob boss
Sammy - Frankie's right-hand man
Jake - a friend of Troy and an undercover FBI Agent
Tyler Chadwick - NYC Detective
Antonio - a childhood friend - a hood
Layla Saladino - Alyssa's sister and fashion designer
Father Terry Williams - Priest and childhood friend
Marcos - a criminals' henchman

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