Mystery and Crime Fiction posted March 7, 2024 Chapters:  ...5 6 -7- 8... 

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Alyssa goes missing

A chapter in the book Living On The Edge

Living On The Edge - Chap 7

by Begin Again




Alyssa's twisted body lay motionless on the floor. Her peasant blouse was torn and splattered with blood. She hadn't gone down without a fight, something Antonio hadn't expected. Her manicured nails had left their mark on his face. He'd returned the favor by plowing his fist into her jaw. She had fallen backward, hitting her head against the clawfoot of an armoire, knocking her unconscious. He'd used the chloroform anyhow. It's better to be safe than sorry with this wild one.


Antonio cocked his thumb and forefinger so it resembled a gun and pressed it against her temple. "Should have shot you, bitch!" He touched his face and winced. "Boss said it was too much noise. I coulda used a silencer, but no, orders are orders."


Antonio squatted beside her, caressing her exposed breast. He felt a stirring in his jeans, and he grinned. "Hmmm - maybe this calls for a pit stop before I deposit your body somewhere no one will find it. After all, I'm doing all the work. I deserve a little something." Antonio pressed his hand against his throbbing muscle. "Yeah, little wild cat, I'm going to give you a lasting memory and then blow your brains out."




Layla sobbed and gulped for air in between her cries for her sister. "Allie! Allie! You can't be dead!"


A woman entered the bathroom and gasped, "Oh, my God! You're the fashion designer! Do you need help?"


Layla scrambled to her feet, desperate to make everything disappear. "I'm sorry — I'll be fine." Without any further explanation, she escaped the bathroom and raced down the hall toward the rear of the building, leaving the woman stunned.




As she neared the end of the hall, she found an unlocked storage room and slipped inside. In the dark, she frantically searched through her contacts until she found Tyler Chadwick. She pushed the call button and waited.


"Detective Chadwick's office."


Layla hadn't expected someone else to answer. She struggled to speak, "It's an emergency. Can I please talk to Detective Chadwick?"


"Ma'am, if this is an emergency, you need to call 911."


Layla lost all control and screamed into her phone, "No, I need to talk to Tyler. Now!"


Sensing the caller was unstable and behaving erratically, she changed her tactic and yelled across the office, "See if you can catch Tyler. He's on his way out. Tell him to rush." Returning to the phone, her voice was calmer. "Miss, someone is trying to catch Tyler. He was on his way out. I'd be happy to help."


Sobbing, Layla stammered, "My sis— ter's — been mur — dered."


Flushed from running up two flights of stairs, Tyler entered his office and stopped in the doorway. He bent over and took several deep breaths until he was able to speak. "What's the emergency?"


The officer handed him the phone. "Woman says her sister's been murdered. She wants to speak with you, and only you."


He grabbed the phone and spoke, "Detective Tyler Chadwick."


Fighting back her tears, when she heard his voice, she stammered, "Tyler, —it's Lay —la. I need —your —help. Some — one just mur — dered — my — sister."


"Layla, I need you to calm down. I can't understand you. Are you trying to tell me something has happened to Allie?"




"Where are you? Is Allie with you?"


"No! She's not! Just meet me — behind Franchesco's. Please hurry."


"I'll be there in ten."




Layla searched for a place to sit using the flashlight on her phone. Spotting a utility sink, she turned on the water, splashed her face, and wiped it on a towel. She saw a stool nearby and hurried to sit down. Back in control, she placed her next call to Diane.


Diane hissed into the phone as she answered, "Where the hell are you? You're missing your birth —"


Layla interrupted, "Diane, just listen. Something has happened to Allie. Tyler's picking me up in a few minutes."


Diane turned her back away from the others, lowering her voice, she asked, "What's going on?"


"I can't talk now. Give me fifteen minutes, and then tell Ryan I've left. I promise to tell you later, but I need to go right now."


"But, Layla —" The phone went dead.




Layla peeked out the storage room door, checked for anyone loitering in the hallway, and then rushed toward the back door.


She spotted Tyler's squad car entering the alley. As soon as he stopped beside her, she climbed in. "Can we go somewhere else? I don't want anyone coming out and looking for me."


Tyler put his car in gear and drove out of the parking lot, shooting side glances at his passenger. "A friend of mine has a food truck near the park. We can park there and grab a coffee unless you'd prefer somewhere else."


"No, that's fine."


He reached across the seat and found her trembling hand. "Layla, you're upset. What were you trying to tell me about Allie?"


"Is that the food truck?" She pointed out the windshield. "I need a minute."


Tyler nodded as he pulled along the curb. "I'll get the coffee, and then we'll talk."


Tyler and Layla had known each other since grade school. He was a friend of one of her cousins and saw her often. As they grew older, they became close friends. He'd seen her pictures on the news and knew tonight should have been a one-of-a-kind evening for her. He couldn't imagine what could have happened.




With steaming coffee and warm chocolate chip cookies in hand, Tyler returned to the car. Once situated, he looked across at her. It pained him that she was crying. "Take your time, but whenever you're ready, I'll listen."


Choking on her tears, she looked away. "I'm sorry to dump this on you, Tyler, but I didn't know what to do."


"We've been friends for a long time. If I can help, you know I will."


Sniffling, she began, "I think Allie's in trouble." She gulped and shivered. "She — she might be dead."


"Dead! What are you talking about?" Tyler put his coffee in the cupholder and reached for her hand. "Why? What happened that makes you think something has happened to Allie?"


"She called — I thought it was a birthday call. But I could tell she was distracted when I answered. We were on video chat. She kept looking at the door. Someone broke in." Overwhelmed, Layla sobbed, "She screamed. I saw — I saw a man's hand cover her mouth and yank her away from her phone."


"Anything else? Did you see his face?"


"No, it happened so fast. I think he had a white cloth in his hand."


"He might have used chloroform. Close your eyes and think, Layla. Was there anything else that might help us identify this guy?"


"Wait! I can't believe I forgot this." She grabbed Tyler's arm. "He had a tattoo. On his hand."


"That's good. Do you remember what it was?"


"I only saw it for a split second."


"Come on, Layla. I need you to think. Picture the hand and the tattoo. Can you see it?"


"Yes, it was a cross, wood, I think. And a snake was wrapped around it."


"That's terrific. It's not his face, but it definitely is a good clue. Where's Allie living? I lost track of what she's been doing."


"She's a reporter in Rockford, near Chicago."


"Rockford? I've got a college buddy who's with the department over there. I'll give him a call. Someone should be able to check her place out."


Layla murmured, "Thank you." Maybe they'd find Allie and she'd be okay.




Antonio moved his car into the alley, opened the trunk, and hurried inside to the service elevator. He released the lock and bent down to pick up Alyssa's body. Pain shot through his head as darkness enveloped him.


"Lights out, buddy."


"Is she alive?"


"Yes, but someone banged her up good. She must have put up a fight."


"Can I have the pleasure of killing this bastard here and now?"


"No, this is an in-and-out job. The girl goes to the sanitarium. That one goes back to the house. Let's get them out of here. Junk the car in a cornfield somewhere out of town. And remember, we don't talk about this to anyone. Understood?"




Layla had crashed at Diane's house, refusing to take any calls from Ryan. She needed to remain focused on Allie and nothing else. She was up, dressed, and headed to the police station by seven.


At eight o'clock, she found herself pacing Tyler Chadwick's office.


"My sister is not a missing person. Did you tell your friend what I saw? What kind of cop do they have running the show?"


"Layla, calm down. I got off the phone with Richard fifteen minutes ago. He said they couldn't find any evidence of a crime. Her apartment wasn't ransacked and there isn't a body."


"Did you tell him about the tattoo?"


"I did. Richard said they are tracking every lead, but nothing is popping up."


"Every lead? What about her job? She's a reporter. Can't someone track that down?" Layla grabbed Tyler's arm. "We've got to do something. If Alyssa could, she'd have answered my calls or at the very least called me back."


"I met Richard in college. He is a good guy. I'm sure he's doing his best. With nothing to go on, they've listed her as a missing person."


"I can't sit here without knowing. If the police cannot find out what happened, I will."


"Layla, you're just upset. Everyone is trying to find her. I'm sure she'll show up today with a logical explanation."


"Tyler, I know my sister. And I know what I saw. If telling me she's listed as a missing person is the best they can do — well, it's not good enough."


She slammed his office door and stormed through the outer office. Outside, she dug her phone out of her purse, found the number she needed, and dialed.


"United Airlines, how may I assist you?"


"I need the earliest flight available from New York City to Rockford, Illinois."


"There are no direct flights, I'm afraid. But I do have a flight to Chicago leaving this evening. You could rent a car and drive to Rockford. It's about ninety miles north of the airport. Would that work for you?"


"Yes, it will. My name is Layla Saladino and I need to book a first-class ticket."


Troy Sinclair - Ex-cop recently released from prison
Richard Harrison - Chief of Police and Troy's brother
Alyssa Saladino - Undercover cop
Tommy - Sandra's ex-partner and Alyssa's current one
Penny - Chief of Police's Assistant
Frank Divito - small-time mob boss
Sammy - Frankie's right-hand man
Jake - a friend of Troy
Tyler Chadwick - NYC Detective
Antonio - a childhood friend
Layla Saladino - Alyssa's sister
Ryan - Layla's boyfriend
Diane - Layla's best friend
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