General Poetry posted March 4, 2024

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My alphabet for God

All Letters Shout God And Heaven

by jim vecchio

All that I have I owe to one
By whom I live; He knows my start
Celestial ruler, God’s Son
Directing me, ruling my heart
Eternity is where I’ll head
For He does know my very end
Guiding me, He helps me shed
Horrors of sin; my Soul does mend
Insatiable power He wields
Justice is what my God teaches
Knowledge is what His love yields
Liberty to man, He preaches
Mingling freedom with His great will
Needing nothing save His sure grace
Open woundings, Blood paid the bill
Putting the Devil in his place
Quitting once and for all sin’s grip
Reaching to God, running our race
Sailing to Him in earthly ship
Till we reach that paradise place
Under a heavenly banner
Viewing a land of  sensation
Where He built a lofty Manor
X marks the spot to elation
Yearning for my heavenly home
Zone of New Life, is now my poem

Abecdarian Poem writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write an abecdarian poem, using the 26 letters of the alphabet chronologically. An abecedarian poem is a special form of an acrostic poem, in which the initial letters of the words beginning each line or stanza spell out the alphabet in order.
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