General Poetry posted February 20, 2024

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If bored, do it on a board!

Do The Alphabet Two-Step!

by jim vecchio

RA can stand for RAison
or for the RAys of our sun
or RAspberry jam on bread
Or RAmen, which also is fed


SA is often for SAd
Or for playing in the SAnd
Also for words that we SA
And skipping school, SAturday


TH stands for THem or THee
Or a scientist’s THeory,

THermometer on THe wall
Checked before THe winter THaw


WH may WHine or WHeeze

Or WHisk in wind, through the trees

WHence we came, is WHere we’ll go!

WHen it’s enough, let me know!

Children's rhyming poem. writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a rhyming poem for a child. Any length will do.
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