General Poetry posted February 20, 2024

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Family life at the table.

Just another supper time

by Terry Reilly

Daddy looked into the loo

He pulled a face and whispered "Phew.

Well, that's a really stinky poo."

I said "it smells like grandad's shoe."

Mummy called us through to eat.

The kitchen smelled like daddy's feet.

Thomas said "I don't like meat,

Can I just go straight to the sweet!"

The cat jumped up and licked my plate,

My mum was getting in a state.

She didn't have too long to wait,

Till Felix puked back what he ate!

Mum said : "that's the final straw "

As Felix scratched her with his claw.

Thomas said: "my chicken's raw;

Can I just eat that nice coleslaw?"

Dad stood up and said "OK".

"Why don't you kids go off and play?"

But mum looked cross and said "no way!"

It seemed just like a normal day...

Children's rhyming poem. writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
Write a rhyming poem for a child. Any length will do.

A childs take on a pretty average evening meal experience.
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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