General Flash Fiction posted January 10, 2024

This work has reached the exceptional level
A 150 word entry in the Mirror Image contest


by Navada








Greg checked the mirror, self-consciously smoothing his hair.  He wanted to impress her.  This was his first date with a girl, after all.

The clear glass suddenly transformed into a swirling silver mist.  Greg watched, transfixed.  What was happening?

A uniformed figure approached through the mist and saluted him.  Greg’s eyes widened.  He didn’t recognise the face, but it looked strangely familiar.  It closely resembled his father and uncle, but he was sure he’d never seen it before.

Greg blinked.  In an instant, the vision disappeared.


The tension in the aircraft was intense.  Everyone on board knew the danger of night-time missions over enemy lines.

In the cockpit, Greg glanced at his reflection in the misty window.  It triggered a hazy memory from long ago.  With a jolt, he realised the face he’d seen in that mirror was his own.

A klaxon sounded.  The plane shuddered and nosedived …

Mirror Image writing prompt entry
Writing Prompt
The theme is MIRROR
Any genre...mystery, romance, thriller, nonfiction etc
Prose or Poetry
Word Limit: 150 words

"In fiction and mythology, a doppelganger is often portrayed as a ghostly or paranormal phenomenon and usually seen as a harbinger of bad luck."
Pays one point and 2 member cents.

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